Teach English in Shuidao Nongchang - Akesu Diqu — Aksu

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shuidao Nongchang? Are you interested in teaching English in Akesu Diqu — Aksu? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

This unit sheds the lights on the various theories, methods and techniques of teaching English as well as covering the uses,cons and pros of each one of them. Here is a brief explanation of some of these methodologies; The classical method (also known as the grammar-translation method) is a traditional technique which focuses on the translation of texts, grammar and rote learning of vocabulary. the next method that comes after is the silent way ;this methodology based upon behaviorist theories of learning. It suggests that learning is result of habit formation through conditioning. Moving to the theory which applies positive suggestion in teaching , suggestopedia; this study encourages student to learn,by creating a comfortable environment and make use of Baroque music during the learning process. Then we have the total physical response method which introduces movement into the learning of language. Here the instructor gives commands to the students in the target language with body movements and the students respond with hole-body actions. Unlike all of these methods, the ESA( engage-study-activate) teaching model gathered all the positive sides of these theories into one to come up with a successful methodology of teaching. ESA is considered as the most effective and logical of all the methodologies for teachers to learn and apply in the classroom. This course gave me a deep understanding of the methodologies of teaching English and new ideas and activities that can be adopted for a successful lesson plan. Especially the ESA method as a modern way of teaching which provide teachers with a layout that can form a structured and organized lesson plan.