Teach English in Datong Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Datong Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The question about how the learning process of a pupil could be improved has been the centre of attention of educators and researchers as “learning is clearly central to achieving the aims of education and thus to making a difference in the classroom” (Kinchin, 2007:30) Therefore, learning should be a matter of first consideration in a classroom, and a principal concern for the teacher who plays an essential role for learners. In order to help pupils with the learning processes, the teacher has to create a good learning environment that allows applying a proper teaching in an effective way. The teacher has also to create specific conditions of learning where he considers personals variables need to explain this, different methodologies and strategies and the different approaches suggested by the learning theories. In addition, a teacher has to adopt the role of being the figure of authority in the classroom. He is also responsible of making appropriate decisions to help pupils. Having in mind the individual needs of each pupil and how they all learn best has vital importance, as if an effective teacher is aware of this information, he can find the better ways to help pupils to learn. This can be developed by preparing a thoughtful lesson plan for every lesson, where teacher has the chance to include different kind of activities –even supportive materials for those pupils who need it– for specific purposes. Nonetheless, this teacher has to be at the same time flexible with his lesson plan, as for several circumstances, a determined activity cannot work with a classroom, so he has to be able to remodel a new activity to fulfil the learning outcomes. In terms of managing the learning environment, an effective teacher has to bear in mind that pupils have their own personal situations outside school that sometimes make them to behave in an inappropriate way. Additionally, pupils spend a lot of time with teachers, so they can be more rebellious with these adults, figures of authority. In this case, an effective teacher has not to take the pupil’s bad behaviour as a personal attack, but as a response to those personal issues. The teacher has to deal with behavioural problems in the best possible way and always being fair and applying the behaviour policies. Communication with pupils is important as it helps teachers to know pupils better, and vice versa, which will contribute in building up a good relationship between them. If the relationship is positive, pupils will feel like learning and they will be more engaged in the classroom. Rimm-Kaufman (2012) assures that “those students who have close, positive and supportive relationships with their teachers will attain higher levels of achievement than those students with more conflictual relationships”. Thus, developing a positive relationship with pupils is essential. Safeguarding self-esteem and building up pupils’ confidence are tasks that have to be done by teachers. As well as keep pupils motivated by letting them know their progress –give some constructive feedback–, and make them notice that the teacher cares about them on an individual level. Pupils need to know that teachers are there to support them in their learning process; and also in the case that they have any personal problem that directly affects that. Moreover, the teacher has to work not only to build up academic skills but also social and humanistic skills, as well as being well-organised and have high realistic expectations. The Department for Education and Skills (DfES) included as indispensable teaching skills such as “designing lessons; creating effective learners: developing effective learning; and creating conditions for learning: improving the climate for learning and learning theories” (DfES 2004a, In Kyriacou, 2007:4) among others. Teachers are the mirror from which pupils are reflected; if teachers respect them, they will do the same, thus the teacher is a model for pupils. It can be stated that multi-skilled teachers, who can be capable of doing everything mentioned in the discussion, are needed to help pupils learn. Teachers have to be a guide that enables learning. By following these steps, teacher can be effective on his task and help pupils to learn.