Teach English in Jihe Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Jihe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Materials aids the teaching process.There are two types of materials:"Authentic materials and Non-Authentic materials". There are written or electronics form of material. Authentic materials have been produced for a real purpose and not for the classroom. Authentic material bring advantage for the students and teachers because there are less predictable that non-authentic materials.Students are pleased to have realistic example.Non-Authentic materials have been produced by an educational company or individual teachers for the specific purpose of being a teacher aids.Before defining a non-authentic material, it is important to think how to show to use them.They have to know what to expect and to have seen a physical representation of the activity before they start.It's important to not try explain the activity, demonstrate's fundamental to check understanding before the teacher start by asking student what they going to do.What language there are trying to test to use. This refer to the teaching point.If using the ESA methodology (Engage, Study, Activate), a study phase activity will tend to focus an individual teaching point that has been studied that day, in the very structured format. An activate phase activity tries to get the student to use their cumulative knowledge, have been given much less to structure to work with it.It's important to know how they are going to be used in this classroom , how you are going to show how to use them.There are four different options for course book use. These option are omit, replace, supplement and adapt.Adapt the use of the course is one option.This is where the teacher will use the same basic materials but in his/her own way and style. Supplement might want to add extra material to the course book to reinforce a language point , or to expend the students engagements with the language. Replace is one another option,instead of omitting unsuitable material the teacher may choose to replace it with similar but more appropriate, material.Omit is another option for the use of the course book, teacher may decide to omit certain lessons from the course book if they are not beneficial or relevant to their students. Care is needed though because if the teacher omits too much , then the students might wonder why they bought the book in the first place.There are all kind of materials.Worksheet is a material given for practice.Communicative activity sheets is a course material for using the language in more realistic situation.Picture,flashcards, drawing, cart and other visual aids are also material.Tapes, recording and other audio aids are electronic course material. Use a course book have a multiple advantages : it's offers many goods ideas for the inexperienced teachers,it's continually practices language items previously introduced, it is usually attractive and appealing to the eyes, it's offers continuity and progression, it's provides a syllabus which is graded to a level suitable for the students , and a balanced mix of grammar , vocabulary and skills work. Use a course book have also some disadvantages:" it's almost always a compromise, it's can become very predictable and boring for the students,course books dictate what is taught,most course book are designed for use by all nationalities and may not cover in enough depth language problems specific to the nationality of students that the teachers are teaching, a course book does not always fit the specific needs and interests of all class members, and some students may not like the book so might be reluctant to use it.To make best use of the course book, it's important to not use the course book for the whole lesson and not base all lessons around the course book.It is important to not regard the course book as the solution to everything. Approaching the course book critically is also important, considering about how much time will be needed for each task and create a balanced lesson, explore ways to match the book to the needs of the students. Internet is also material provider.It's important to use this resource carefully.It's can be use to find material and information for planning and development purposes. The teacher can direct the students to various sites on it. There are many sites that suggest downloading their supposedly free resources, which turn out to be anything but free.Look for site that are designed "freeware" , which typically do not require you to log in or register the name. You are need to be aware when directing student to the internet, that there are many sites which are entirely unsuitable for your students to access.