Teach English in Niutoudian Zhen - Ankang Shi

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INTRODUCTION For an effective teaching and learning process to take place, there is a crucial need for this two educational terminologies refers as “classroom management” to be well established. Before we move on to the main concepts of classroom management, it is good to understand the term “classroom”, “management” and definition of “classroom management”. CLASSROOM: Is a room where group of students are taught by a teacher in a school setting. MANAGEMENT: Is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people using various resources and regulations. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: refers to the wide range of skills and techniques adopt to keep the class, students organized orderly, disciplined, focused during lessons, and academically productive. Similarly, the major elements to manage a good classroom involves human \ financial resources etc., planning, organizing, coordinating & controlling.Meanwhile, for teaching to be more effective and productive, classroom management is very important and it importance cannot be overemphasized because “If classroom management is missing, students will find it difficult to attain their academic and language objectives “. Furthermore, in this task, we are going to discuss the components, strategies, players of classroom management which can be helpful to create a proper interesting learning environment and positive outcome of good classroom management. COMPONENTS OF CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Talking about the crucial components needed for a good classroom management, we mean those things that the teacher need to put in place to create a good, comfortable and interesting learning environment or class for the students. Below we shall discuss in details some the things needed to plan a good classroom management: a- CLASSROOM ARRANGEMENT METHODS: Classroom arrangement is one of the key decisions that teachers need to make before teaching takes place. Some of those things to put into considerations include: the class size, space available, the students age etc. where to place the teacher desk, how to place the student desks, and whether or not to use seating guide. financial resources to get those materials, objects in place: • THE BOARD POSITIONING: For a typical position of a board is at the fore front of both the teacher and the students to have a clear view and access to it in terms of writing and explanation of lessons. The teacher should be able to manage the board appropriately in terms of clarity and plan to know the use of board accordingly, this help avoid distraction among the students. • THE TEACHER DESK: Teachers typically place their desk to the front of the classroom. However, there is nothing that says that this is the way it has to be. While being in the front of the class affords the teacher a good view of the student's faces, the student can also view the teacher too. • THE STUDENTS DESKS: After placing the teacher's desk, the next step is to decide how you will arrange student desks. There are various arrangements that you can choose from according to your need that will be suitable for the students and lesson target : 1- Straight lines. This is the normal way in which student desks are set up. In a typical class, you might have five rows of six students. The benefit of this is that it affords the teacher the ability to walk between the rows. The negative is that it doesn't really allow for collaborative work. 2- A large circle. This has the benefit of providing ample opportunity for interaction but hinders the ability to utilize the board. 3- Students sit in pairs, with two desks touching each other. The teacher can still walk down the rows 4- student desks is in groups: Students face each other, providing them ample opportunity for teamwork and collaboration. b- CLEAR STANDARD EXPECTATIONS : (Defining classroom Rules and Regulations / Discipline). A classroom management plan is incomplete without clearly laying down the rules and regulations for the class. By convincing students, the classroom is necessary. Making the students clear about what the expected behavior and what isn’t, this will help to promote discipline since they already aware the dos and don’ts and the punishment is also well defined. And respects should be encouraged starting from the teacher himself so that the student can emulate. c- TEACHERS - STUDENTS' RELATIONSHIP : (A good relationship promotes respect & discipline). A very important part of successful classroom management is the relationship that formed between the teacher and the students, a teacher who makes an effort to create a trust between himself and the students, who work as a support to his \ her students, able to understand the individual differences and make extra efforts for their well – being, who is neither too authoritarian nor laser-fair type, will be respected by the students, and will not face indiscipline problems in the classroom. e- PLAYERS INVOLVES IN CLASSROOM MANAGEMENTS: (the Teachers and the Students). One of the crucial important resources in a classroom management is the “TEACHER”, this is because “As teachers, we are listeners, mentors and role models…” therefore, for an effective classroom management, during teaching in a language lessons, teachers should be able to use his Eye contact appropriately, use other gestures, knowing students by their names, maximize and adjust his /her Voice to pass the lessons fluently and also be flexible, adapt and change oneself to classroom situation, in order to meet the student’s needs. on the other hand, “STUDENT” should be motivated to get involve in the classroom activities to keep them engaged and be hard working and give them the power to contribute in order feel among not isolated, CONCLUSION “By successfully managing your class as a language teacher, it increases student’s success and create a productivity and cooperative learning environment. Effective behavior management plans allow students to get the most out of their time spent in the class and arriving at the target language and lesson objectives. Whereas, a disorganized classroom makes it difficult for the teacher’s carrying out the lesson more effectively”.