Teach English in Shimen Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shimen Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Today’s world gets smaller every day as travel and worldwide communications becomes less costly, easier and the rapid increase in technologies enable us to connect, collaborate and partake in different global networks. With this development comes English spoken in every corner of the world. English is spoken by its native users and also by speakers from other countries as their first language. English as a global language, World English or International English are all appropriate terms. With travel comes English as the language of the skies, the aeronautical language, aviation English. All aviation personnel – pilots, flight crews and air traffic controllers must pass an English proficiency test. In practice personnel may speak in their native language but English language must be used upon request. Visit Airbus in southern France and you will find the various nationalities speaking English as the accepted aeronautical language. Worldwide communications see English as the mother tongue of the internet and computer technology. The business world of today demands English. With these factors comes an ever increasing demand for the teaching of English as a second language, and as a speciality English as a second language for business users. Parents want their children to learn so they can interact with the world and are better prepared for the business world, increasing the demand for the teaching of English as a second language for young learners. This has resulted in the growth of colleges and internet courses offering teacher training for the various English as a second language courses. The demand for these teachers is worldwide and where educational institutions do not suit, then online learning is available. Courses are being run online to every corner of the world, the only deterrent being lack of access to the internet. Economic factors have resulted in Asia being the fastest growing market for the demand for English. English is the working language of the ten-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations; Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. It is an official language in both the Philippines and Singapore. The Philippines is now the world’s call-centre capital with India as number two. Recent years have seen financial institutions offshoring their operations to Asia and India for economic reasons. English is the spoken language of these offshore operations, with the staff giving themselves English names. There is a clear correlation between this offshoring and Asia’s economy prospering and in turn the demand for English. Security issues after 9/11 resulted in triangulation – whereby financial/business institutions to protect themselves and their data, had three senior hubs, for example New York, London and the Philippines. The theory being if a terrorist attack occurred they could switch from London to New York or the Philippines to run their operations, hence the need for a common language and understanding of not only language but English culture and technical terms. It can be seen that there are many reasons for the growth of English as a global language. English language skills are viewed today as a necessity rather than optional. China is a fast growing, prospering, economic market where English is seen as a necessity to succeed with their children learning English almost before they can walk. Classes for two year olds are common! It also has to be acknowledged the perception of being able to speak English as a trait of upper class people. In conclusion, we have to acknowledge the vital part the English language plays in our global world. Technology has enabled the world to be more connected and has grown the concept of a global citizen. Therefore, having the skills of being able to communicate in a common language of English enables opportunities to collaborate, network and impact our world and society.