Teach English in Shuanglong Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shuanglong Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

"Who is the non native English speaker?"We can give different kinds of definitions for it. Non native English speakers mean that they are studying and speaking English as a child or an adult. Native English speakers are speaking and Learning English as a baby. It means if a person speaks English as a foreign or second language he/she can be introduced as a non native English language speaker. If Such type of person becomes a teacher of English language, we can introduce him or her as a non native English language teacher. How do this TEFL certificates help such a Non native English language teacher? That's the point must be explained clearly as much as possible. However ,there is a huge difference between native English teachers and non native English teachers which is created by the teaching world. It is says that the native English teachers are more clever than non native English teachers in many ways. It is mentioned as "the biggest four myths." 1)schools like to hire native language speakers . 2)Native teachers are very clever at teaching. 3) native English teachers are the best role models. 4)native speakers know more about the English culture. But in all these ways, it is easy to prove that non native speakers are the best teachers as they had experiences about the second language learning. They know how to do it better. However, as there is a common fact that native speakers are good for hiring TEFL certificates have much value on teaching as a non native English speakers. Some companies ask TEFL certificates to offer the job and for the of visa conditions. So some teachers introduce TEFL as " TEFL GOD." It is says that if a non native English speaker can prove the the high score of TOEIC and has a TEFL certificate are easy way to become an English teacher although there is no need all these all things for native English,TEFL has much value for non native English speakers rather than native English speakers. However, there are some countries which are open limited opportunities for non native English speaking teachers.ex:- japan, South Korea etc. they are mostly expect teachers from native English speaking countries, but there are limited chances there. Ex:- if a non native English speaker had high score of TOEIC, has TEFL certificate and 12 years school education in English medium, there is a chance to become an English teacher in japan. It means there are some restrictions for supplying visa. If a non native English speaker qualified with a TEFL certificate there are large amounts of chances supplied by some countries Ex:- Argentina,Brazil, Cambodia, Vietnam,Thailand and most of the Asian Destinations. As I think, these places are the best places for beginning teaching career to a non native English speaker. Any how , it is surprised to say to teach English in U.K. It is need not to be a native speaker of English and enough to have a TEFL certificate. Haowj, V2US, Teach away, First future, Orange talk, Classo are the some of non native English speakers hiring companies. Some companies ask only TEFL certificate. Some ask it along with bachelors degree. In many ways TEFL creates the easy access to the teaching for non native speakers. As for many reasons, when choosing a TEFL course non native speakers must be careful more than native speakers as it is the way to achieve their career goals. There are a lot of TEFL certification courses in the market. Some are cheap and limited time period as two weekends courses. Anyone can give value on these types of TEFL courses. There are accredited companies in the world. They are fully experienced and have much more contacts around the world to supply the job opportunities for non native English speakers. Ex- ITTT, I to i , brige tefl, tefl premier, international Tefl academy. These are the most reputed and job guaranteed companies in the world even for non native English speakers. So, when we choose the course it must be from the right place of the world of TEFL. Actually, an accredited TEFL course can supply the various career opportunities for non native English speakers without regarding their nationality.