Teach English in Siji Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Siji Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

ESA stands for Engage, Study, Activate. ESA is a guided form of teaching in a classroom setting. It is a highly used with students that know basic English. There are many ways to use ESA in a classroom. The beneficial part of ESA is that you can adapt it to how the students learn and what they need from the lesson the most. One way to teach ESA is the ‘straight arrow’ method. This is presented in the ESA order. Engage, Study, Activate. Another way to teach ESA is using the ‘Boomerang’ method. This can be used for more advanced students. Always Engage first, then you can implement the activate stage. This allows the teacher to observe strengths and weaknesses within the class or with individual students. Then create a lesson plan for the Study Phase. The teacher and correct the grammar and pronunciation used during the activate phase and elicit the more difficult words used or needed to be used. Then there is a ‘Patchwork’ lesson plan. It always begins with the engage phase and ends with the activate phase with some type of variation of ESA in between. For example, E - A - S - E - S- A. This will allow the teacher to move around the classroom and observe and help fill in any problem areas. Then engaging the students again during the lesson. Engage is the beginning of the teaching phase. It encourages and grabs interests of the students using their creativity and emotions. The engage phase will help students interact and have a refreshed outlook of the class from the beginning instead of coming into class bored. The engage phase can include learning through play. It can influence the lessons with movement and stimulation. Engage allows students to warm up and get comfortable. Teachers can grab the attention of the students to have a more successful class. The teacher can make each individual student feel important. The Study phase allows certain teaching goals of the lesson to be elicited. It has the students focus on the language. The pronunciation and construction of the language is taught. The teacher can specifically focus on the grammar and demonstrate correct pronunciation. The teacher can also focus on problem areas and more difficult words in the phase and elicit the vocabulary. This is a great part of the lesson where we can teach English using games like Hangman, sentence building, and group conversations including group activities, like gap filled worksheets. It allows the students to use and practice the vocabulary without being singled out and made uncomfortable. The study phase also allows the students to practice and repeat the language. The last phase of the lesson plan is Activate. The activate phase is where the class can take what they had learned that lesson and anything else they know with English and create a presentation from it. They can speak freely and communicate as much as they can. The students can pick a topic to discuss, or even have a conversation with another student. Pairing students can give them opportunities to create an interview or skit using correct grammar and vocabulary. This is the phase that we can practice and share with a group of students. Pairing the students are also a great way to encourage the less strong students and give the more stronger students confident by helping. In conclusion, ESA is a main form of teaching ESL to students for a Successful classroom.