Teach English in Jiacun Zhen - Baoji Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Jiacun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Baoji Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Most of the Mexican learners get difficulties with English as it comes as a lack of approach to English and its use in daily life. Most people in Mexico have not a real contact with English, normally out of the classroom they only get an approach to it by some media as online channels or music videos, when they never had listened to a real conversation in English or practiced a real life situation (as asking for directions, ordering food, etc). While a minor percentage of students population have had the chance of travelling out of the country or being in contact with a foreigner, where the situation leads to a real usage of English, and face the student to a real communication problem to being solved, normally it encourages students to speak and as result the fluency gets higher and students feel an important achievement on their skills. On the other hand, students that have not had the chance of being into this situation they often do not put in practice their skills out of school, and instead of profiting them adding new vocabulary or some new grammar structures, they get choked, what makes them feel uncomfortable with English at the time of trying to communicate with others, and losing interest in language. One of the most common problems when encouraging students to speak is the mixing of some words from their first language (because of lack of vocabulary) with English (structures that are related to them), attending to this problem, reinforcing vocabulary is essential, while trying to make them to describe the meaning of the word with its own vocabulary depending if it’s a verb, or a thing, etc. To make them use English to solve this communication problem and get self confidence on their skills, also by using the internet to improve their vocabulary will be a solution, letting the student to do a quick research of an specific topic, gathering words unknown yet and trying to figure them out their meaning and how to use them on a proper way, obviously guided by the teacher and some recommended webpages to start the research, including videos, blogs, or articles. This, will also approach students to real texts where the main purpose is to inquire the whole context or situation and stimulates students’ comprehension. When it comes to reading comprehension there are some problems that are quite frequent, for most of students activities where it is necessary to obtain specific information from a medium/large text transforms into a really complicated task , normally Mexican students get frustrated when it comes to reading because they try to translate each word to their native language, when confronting new vocabulary instead of figure out the meaning according to the whole context they immediately starts asking for the meaning in Spanish, what makes losing time translating word by word and in most cases losing the true meaning of the text. In this case, encouraging students to finish the text, selecting words that are unfamiliar to them, and then inquire the meaning without translating as strategy to profit the reading comprehension. As a conclusion, those problems are quite regular with Mexican learners, when trying to mix their native language (Spanish) with English, and unfortunately the lack of approach to English to put in practice their skills out of the classroom, recommending widely the usage of internet and social media for stimulating students to get a real English usage.