Teach English in Tiancheng Zhen - Baoji Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tiancheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Baoji Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Roles of a Teacher Roles of a Teacher vary from year to year; moment to moment in each classroom. When I first started teaching years ago; I thought, I just go in and I teach my students to the best ability. I have since learned that isn’t true. I want to build relationships with my students and because of that I need to make sure they are safe. When my students tell me things about their life; I may sure they are being safe. Students who come from other countries don’t know the social interrelatedness of the society yet and at time get themselves into trouble because they just didn’t know about different situations that occur here. When I look at my students and know they are safe then, they look to me as a role model. They know and understand that I am trying very hard for them to become engaged in the school as well as participate in school activities. I talk about school activities and having fun in school; while they are learning. I have my diploma’s hanging on the wall and they can see them. The students will then start talking about education and what it means to them and I tell them, I worked hard to go to college, and I got through it and so they can too. Perseverance is something that is endured, and students need to know if they get a bad grade in a class; they can turn that around and make it their strength. I still have students who contact me today; even though they started college several years ago. Students tell me they are going to go out and be like me. I say that is great; go encourage some student in their neighborhood to go to college. When things go bad in their personal life, I counsel them and help them out. Usually this is in regard to their educational status; or home life; or social issues. I will refer to students to the counseling office if I think it is a situation that may require personal insights to the problem. As adults I want students to do well; and become more of a productive citizen. Taking more of a leadership role and I show them how to do that if that is what they want. I start telling the parents and other adults who take my Adult classes; they need to get involved in their child’s education, become an advocate for children. To help children in their neighborhood who do not have parental guidance or a strong parental guidance. I also help the teachers at my school and across the district. I have good scores as an ESL teacher and I always try to convey what I am doing in the classroom to help the other teachers help their students. I have recently started writing curriculum for the other teachers and offering trainings to help other teachers deal with writing issues from their students. I also help the teacher helping the adult students prepare for the interviews of new jobs; helping students write a resume; and CV’s. I further try and help people in the community by helping search for jobs too. Gosh, being a teacher is so not about just teaching and getting material out; its about understanding the person and how the teacher can help bridge the lack of information to the student and being able to help in the best capacity as possible for the other student to gain knowledge for work performance or graduating high school or just becoming a better person in general and being so much more productive in society and giving back to the community. Lastly, being a teacher; where I do get to teach students knowledge in their business field, but I am also getting more trainings every day and trying to keep up with my profession. It isn’t enough to take a course every three or four years and say I’m current. I am just like the doctor that wants to keep up with technology and being able to use that in the classroom. This goes back to my business students and the technology movement that we have today. I want to keep current so that my students stay current and find new and innovative ways to complete their jobs and efficient ways to complete their jobs so that they can create the answer for the cure for cancer; or humans go out into long journeys into space. These are all hats teachers wear when teaching students; and it’s amazing to me at times what all I do complete and surprising to me that I don’t get overwhelmed with it all. Even with everything I do; and help out and give out; and stay late to make copies for the next day and making sure my lesson plans are update and I have all of my activities ready to go. I LOVE being a teacher and there is no other profession that compares to it. I LOVE WHAT I DO.