Teach English in Tiandu Zhen - Baoji Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tiandu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Baoji Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Every teacher needs a confidence boost, whether they are new or experience it doesn´t matter. It all depends on oneself to constantly develop and nurture one´s level of self-confidence at the classroom because being confident among the students is crucial as this is something transmittable. Your students always reflect your confidence level and this might affect their way of absorbing the language taught inside a classroom. If a teacher seems to be confident in what they´re doing, so are the students and unfortunately, the students can quickly spot the lack of confidence which can lead to complications in classroom management. Here are a few ways that I think, can help new teachers to boost their confidence in a classroom environment: 1. Prepare before teaching Planning your class beforehand will always boost your confidence, and prepares yourself to anticipate challenges that you might face in the classroom environment. It´s always better to put some extra effort and time to prepare your lesson before starting a class and make sure you are flexible by which you can take control if things fall apart. 2. Don´t be a Perfectionist, always Of course, a teacher should be perfectionist while creating or designing a lesson plan, activities, preparing for placement tests etc. but being a perfectionist doesn´t always help inside a classroom because of it an everchanging environment. Being over planned, inflexible and indecisive can be relating to people. Sometimes the students want to learn something in a casual way rather than a conventional one, it might be a holiday season or they goanna soon start a vacation. So, act accordingly to the students´ mood. 3. Accept your mistakes. Everyone makes errors during their careers but accepting one´s mistake and learning from them will takes your confidence to the next level. By which you can model to your students that making errors is a normal part of a learning process and there is nothing to worry about it. And also, when you make a mistake don´t overreact instead take it in a sportive manner. Accept it, correct it and Move one. This way your students feel more comfortable with you. 4. Realize your strengths As a new teacher, it might take some time and practise to realize your positive strengths but this will pay off at a longer period of time as this will help you to overcome your negative self-perception which ultimately builds your confidence level. 5. Set your own classroom rules As a teacher being flexible is necessary but at the same time, you should know when to YES and also, when not to. Your presence starts even before entering the class like greeting, interacting at the corridor etc. If you find that you´re losing control of your class at any point of time act more with more confidence as feeling panic will definitely worsen the situation. At the same time, you should never lose your patience, take a moment of silence, breathe and then act. 6. Clothing and Body Language Presenting yourself matters. Put yourself together with nice clothing, shoes, dressing up elegant will likely to improve one´s level of confidence. The way of walking, leaning, speaking, expressing is very important inside and outside a classroom, as this directly revels your confidence level.