Teach English in Xiashi Zhen - Baoji Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiashi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Baoji Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When starting to teach a new group of students whether it’s your first time as an instructor or not, there is a sure fire way of messing up or doing it correctly, and which ever category you may fall into depends heavily on if you use the necessary tried and tested methods of teaching or not. One of the most overlooked methods of teachers can be about establishing rapport. Rapport can easily make or break a classrooms attempt at a comfortable environment and thus it is a factor that must be carefully examined. Establishing rapport can overall be summed up as the bond students have amongst each other and with the teacher. This bond is crucial in creating a healthy learning atmosphere that allows students to grow in both English and with their peers. It can be said that small actions such as asking for help or attempting to answer a question displays small increments of humility, and for students to in effect; “risk” getting a question wrong or desire to ask for help on self-improvement, than they have to feel they won’t be shamed by their teachers or judged by their fellow students. So after covering what establishing report means the question is now how do we implement it? Well from the first moment you meet your new students you can plant the seeds of a course long and sometimes lifelong relationship. Building a relationship is more than just an empty “hello” but a genuine icebreaker or sit down activity where you can ask students to describe themselves and ask each other questions. It is worthy to note that some extroverted students shouldn’t receive all the limelight by being really sociable. Not involving more timid students may result in them feeling not considered or important, which in turn may make them retreat further into themselves and may truly damage their interaction time throughout the duration of the course. So the next step that should be taken to reinforce report is to incorporate activities and games. Often the best classrooms don’t feel like classrooms but instead a gathering of friends and a mentor. Sometimes students may have a bad taste of English thanks to some overly criticizing or dreadfully boring teachers they may have had in the past, thus it is our duty to change that perception by making our classrooms as enjoyable as possible. Engage phases are great ways of getting everyone involved, to get students to work like a team and reach a common goal, but the most effective ways take place in the Activate phase. Though it is true that you can have small group activities in the Study phase and are indeed encouraged to do so, the Activate phase is where you can test all of what was learned in a fun and inclusive way, and by switching up student groups and activities you can avoid the forming of cliques and expected repetitive games, keeping inter-student relations new and fresh while having fun at the same time. Lastly, as a teacher it is of great value to not just ponder on what to do but what should also be avoided. Learning the host countries customs and mannerisms is a key factor in creating respect; which is a main ingredient in establishing rapport. Almost universally as well, pointing a finger at a student, forgetting their name (though forgivable at first) and saying words like “no, wrong or terrible” for example are deathblows to self-esteem and need to be considered at all times. Instead switching it up by saying “almost, about right, very close” and more are great ways to guide them towards a correct answer and keep them empowered to keep trying. Don’t just say “no” and choose someone else who may get it right, it will lead them to think that they are inadequate and they will check out of interactions. In conclusion, establishing rapport enables the classroom to function properly; by building respect and care between students and with their teacher. In doing so; will allow students to listen to their instructor and speak freely without the fear of ridicule or contempt. Indeed, a calm comfortable classroom is a happy classroom, one where learning can flourish.