Teach English in Xiabamiao Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiabamiao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A lesson plan is developed and designed to communicate first and foremost to the teacher. Its a guide and map for the organization of materials and the Teacher for the purpose of helping his or her students to achieve her or his intended learning outcomes from the students. The lesson plan should detail all the specific activities and content the teacher will teach during a particular period of time. e.g. 1. Lesson objectives 2. Procedures used in istructions 3. Assesing Methods 4 And lastly the materials needed to carry out the lesson plan. A lesson planning is essential with grades in order to avoid mistakes and unnecessary repetition between grades and levels. A lesson plan is important as it gives a sense of direction in relation to standards. Teachers know what is important and what is secondary. It is more important for the students to learn deeply with understanding, than to pass through many topics superficially. Lesson plans guide on how to teach because even though being clear about what topics to teach is important, knowing how to teach them is the key to success in the classroom. The same topic can be taught differently, depending on the class temperament adn maybe attitude. A good lesson plan hundred percent simply means a confident teacher. Some teachers tend to teach just as the way they were taught as students. But that is not the best way. We need to constantly update ourselves with best practices that work, and how to teach more effectively.. Lesson plans serve as a useful basis for future planning. They can be used again, in part or in whole, for future classes.. The extra effort put in by first year teachers to plan and organize the entire year’s lesson plans and resources will go a long way for subsequent years teaching the same level. A clear lesson plan can be used by substitute teachers, ensuring that time is used productively, when the main teacher is not around. It can also serve as a central document for handing over to new teachers who are teaching the level for the first time. A Lesson plan can be evidence to show your students that you have devoted time to thinking about them and their needs. So this leads us to the Professional importances of lesson plans. For a teacher should be professional and his professionalism and authenticity all appear from using an effective lesson plan as a guide. In this way, teacher present himself/herself as a good role model for your students. In order to gain the respect of your students and making them achieve the learning lesson targets, you have to go to the class with lesson plans. Without having a lesson plan, this visualization process will not work and the outcomes of the learning process wouldn’t remotely be like what you have expected. These educators need to plan their daily lessons in advance and adopt the most suitable teaching techniques into a basic lesson plan. A lesson planshows professionalism and commitment. A lesson planning helps you to think about where you’re going. A lesson planning helps you to think out ideas for the future. A lesson planning helps you remember what you intend to do. A lesson planning makes you structure your lesson so that it flows coherently and covers the tasks towards the objective. A lesson planning gives students confidence that you have thought about the lesson and know what you are doing. A lesson plan gives your lessons shape and a framework. HERMAN KISAKYE