Teach English in Botou Zhen - Binzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Botou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Binzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Every day, wherever we go and whatever we look at, we are exposed to English language in some way. Even in the most basic daily activity it is required a basic vocabulary in English. Each time we go on shopping, whether on a store or online, signs and advertisement in English come up. If we are about to surf on the web or look for entertainment a basic English understanding is needed. All over the world, educational institutions from Kindergartens to Colleges, require to achieve a certain level of English in order to graduate. More and more companies require applicants have a sufficiency in English to be hired. But in the past, English influence had not been so important. In ancient times, there were others languages that exerted a great impact in the world. For instance, the influence of Greece is evident in all areas. Architecture, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, religion, politics and so on reflects its influence up to our days. Under Alexander the Great, around 330 B.C., Greece became the world power when they defeated Persia. Several colonies were settled all over the conquered territories and its influence change people´s lives in every aspect. People needed to learn Greek to communicate with authorities, merchants used their languages abilities to trade goods and services and many migrants established their homes in Greek cities or colonies where speaking Greek was a need to progress. Even though, those born in those times learned language and traditions of the family, they had to learn Greek so they could access to education and other services under Greek Empire. As a consequence, Greek language became the more spoken language in ancient world. After France´s downfall in 18th century, Great Britain became the dominant world power with colonies settled in America, Africa, Australia and Asia. In that way, UK spread its influence throughout the world. Banking system and huge natural resources from its subjected territories led to the beginning of the industrial revolution in 19th century. Increased demand for goods and markets promoted the development of new inventions. The appearance of new technology, especially in communication made it possible for people to be informed about what happened around the world. At the end of 1900´s, English language has influenced world activities in a degree as Greek did in the past. During 20th century Great Britain won I and II world wars with United States´ support. Later, United States turned into the greatest economy on earth and spread its influence all over the world. The so-called Cold War moved U.S. to maintain a political and economical control over many countries. Therefore, a tremendous development of new digital technology made English more important than ever. Consequently, to get access to these advancements, people needed to be able to communicate in English. Additionally, entertainment industry had a deep impact in culture, behavior and thinking. As a result, world population is under the influence of the dominant language, namely, English. Nowadays, English is the official language of 53 countries and 400 million people around the world speak English as first tongue. Almost all science information is written in English and it is the most useful language for traveling. More than ever, it is easier for people to communicate with others living in most distant part of the earth and English is the most common language to use. In conclusion, trough ages, nations had influenced and spread their culture along their territories, this includes their language. The importance of English language relies on how much it is used, how it makes possible that people with a different native language can communicate and trade goods and services. English language has become a universal language and it is the most powerful language you can learn today.