Teach English in Mashanzi Zhen - Binzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Mashanzi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Binzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As we all know, a ESA class means Engage, Study and Activate phase, which is widely used in most the class, we teachers pay attention to how to attract students, how to motivate students, how to make the language point clear and easy to understand, and how to make the opportunity to use it. All of these are we need to make sure that play well in the classroom.therefore, ESA class is an effective method to use in the class. In Engage stage,considered as a “warmer”, the main purpose is to arouse the students’ interest and get them involved in the class, get students thinking and speaking in English. Engage activity need to apply by questions or knowledge students already know, and connect with the language point we are going to talk about.It need has a range so it is easy to talk about. In this phase, activities and materials which tend to engage students include games, music, pictures,stories, videos, real objectives, partner information share, I spy, memory games, word linking, information search, etc. As for study stage, we focus on the language and how it is constructed, for example, its pronounce, spelling, meaning, usage, grammar,word order etc. This stage takes up over 50 percent of all the lesson. Study stage can includes three parts: first, start with elicitation. Then followed by the presentation of the language point, and drilling exercise to ensure pronunciation. Finally, worksheets are given to students to check and reinforce. Of course, review answers and go over errors are needed. Activities we can use here are tongue twister, Hangman, gap fill, word search, specific activities used in the class are depend on the different language levels. The final stage is activate stage. This is the stage where students are encourage to use all of the language they have learnt. We focus on language fluency here. Typical activate activities include role play, communication games, story writing, survey, debates and so on. After activities, teacher give feedback to praise, encourage by evaluating their success and progress. Teachers are not need to correct all the mistakes either in the lesson or homework. In addition, the 3 most used ESA Lesson are “Straight Arrow”, Boomerang and Patchwork. The “straight arrow”lesson is to take the lesson in the ESA order. First, teacher engages the students, then study the language, at last put the language into production. A “Boomerang” lesson is a combined ESA lesson, which is Engage, Activate, Study, Activate. This lesson might be used for higher level class. The most complex lesson is “patchwork”ESA Lesson. This kind of class starts with an Engage phase, and finish with an Activate, between those two phases there can have as many Engage, Study and Activate phases in any order. Last but not least, this reminds me of a lesson I have taught about affirmatives and negatives. To tell truth, it was the worst class I had given. That happened because that’s a rainy day and students are inactive to participate. During the whole class, only me talked about content and few students are willing to answer questions.At the end of the class, the observer told me that I would use activities to motivate students in the beginning of the class, so as to they were interested and clear about what were talking about. I’d be appreciate I have learnt a lot of skills about teaching in TEFL course. It gives me logical and clear teaching method. I will put these techniques into practical English classes, and I believe it will be much useful in my future teaching career. Thanks for such a good lesson and big thanks to my tutor,Tania for kindly help when I have problems. Best wishes to all of you.