Teach English in Bingtuan Bashisi Tuan - Bo'ertala Menggu Zizhizhou — Bo

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Bingtuan Bashisi Tuan? Are you interested in teaching English in Bo'ertala Menggu Zizhizhou — Bo? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching techniques: 1.Introduce the tense and grammatical form. Recite Sample sentences. 2.Usages. (Recite Sample sentences.) 3.Typical errors. Rewrite sentences and find error by stu-stu method. And review all the cls. i) What the mistake is. ii) Why you think it has been made. iii) How you would explain and correct the mistake with a student. The present tense Form/ Usages/ typical student errors/ activate stage teaching ideas Present simple Forms: Usages: 1.Habitual or routine actions. 2.Permanent situations and facts 3.Commentaries 4.Directions and instructions 5.Newspaper headlines 6.Present stories 7.Historical sequence Typical mistakes/errors. Sample activate stage teaching ideas. Present continuous Form Usages: 1.To talk abt an action that is in progress at time of speaking. 2.A temporary action that is not necessarily in progress. 3.Emphasize very frequent actions(often with always) 4.Background events in a present story. 5.Describe developing situation 6.refer to a regular action around a point of time Typical mistakes/errors. Sample activate stage teaching ideas: developing situations, actions in progress Present perfect Form Usages: 1. finished actions/states that happened at an indefinite time. 2.Completed past actions carried out in an unfinished time period at the time of speaking. 3.Sth began in the past and is still true now, we don;t know if this is likey to continue or not. 4.Past actions with present results. 4.1since or for with the present perfect 4.2Gone or been 4.3Irregular past participles Typical mistakes/errors. Sample activate stage teaching ideas: Present perfect continuous From Usages: 1. communicate an incomplete and ongoing activity. 2.Describe a recently finished, uninterrupted activity which has a present result Typical mistakes/errors. Sample activate stage teaching ideas.