Teach English in Xialiang Zhen - Changzhi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xialiang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Changzhi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The value of a TEFL certification, before answering such a question, first we would need to explain "what is a TEFL certification, and what does it entail?". TEFL is the acronym for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and is one of the most prominent certifications one could acquire to embark into the world of teaching English. This accreditation is essential, both for new and more experienced teachers who wish to develop and improve their teaching skills. It is important to note that speaking a language, does not mean we are capable of teaching it. The TEFL certification is recognized worldwide and serves as proof of our teaching skills to future employers. Having all this in mind, how important is this certification? Overall, the value of the certification will depend on our career goals and our employers. The reason for this is that some organizations will require us to have this sort of certifications, while others won't. Therefore, should we prepare in advance and get one? I believe that the short answer is yes. Whether we need one or not, I think that this certification brings more value to ourselves than to our resumes. As someone who is about to start this new career path, I find that TEFL courses teach some useful techniques that will help us confront new challenges that we may face inside the classroom. Another big plus of pursuing this kind of accreditation is employment opportunities, as we will have access to a broader pool of vacancies and be able to earn a competitive salary. Following this viewpoint, one could debate if obtaining such accreditation is completely necessary when contemplating online teaching. Although most lessons provided by TEFL courses focus on class management of on-site classes, they also provide many insights on how different age groups learn. These methods and insights prepare us for any obstacle that we may encounter throughout our teaching career and provides us with the necessary tools to tackle many different teaching scenarios. Going back to our main question, I believe that regardless of where do we plan to use our acquired skills, these lessons empower us with exceptional practices and techniques to deliver high-quality classes, which as teachers should be our number one priority and pride. When it comes to online teaching, we can count on facing a very diverse audience, not only from the age-range but also from different cultural and religious backgrounds. Due to this situation, it is of much importance that we learn to adjust our lessons accordingly and provide them with appropriate content. It is true that for most classes we will be assigned with textbooks, workbooks, and complementary materials by our employing institution, but by following the guidelines we have learned throughout the TEFL course, we will have the required weapons to use them to their best extent, and change them when necessary. In conclusion, having a TEFL certificate might be a requirement set by some organizations, but the real value of said certification lies in the knowledge acquired throughout its lessons. References: Some general ideas were taken from the following resources -