Teach English in Zhangyuan Zhen - Changzhi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhangyuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Changzhi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A foundational factor to a successful education is the support of parents. They are their child’s first teachers and the influence that will stay with them long after they leave the classroom. This is true in general education classrooms in America and EFL classes around the world. This is primarily for students who are still living at home with their parents (traditionally school-aged students), though depending on the culture the parents’ view of education could have a large impact on adult learners as well. Though the parents may not be fluent in English, their support is crucial (especially to younger children). In most cases, what the parents prioritize determines what the student values as well. If parents think that learning English is a valuable skill for their child’s future, they will work hard to make sure the child has all the support they need outside of the actual classroom. This support could come in the form of simply paying for the classes, helping the student with work outside of class, or simply listening as the child reads to them in English. It is important that teachers strive to work together with parents for a more holistic support system for their students both inside and outside of the classroom. I great way for teachers to include parents in the classroom is by making sure they feel like an important part of their education. Partnering with them from the beginning is important in making sure they have a vested interest in their child’s life in the classroom. Things like sending out update emails/letters, scheduling some form of regular communication, sending home assignments students can do with their parents even if they do not speak English, etc. Parents’ involvement in education varies depending on the culture, so when teaching abroad it is important to first understand those already standing beliefs and how parental involvement can fit into that. While a teacher should consider a student’s motivation for learning English to better tailor his or her material to their interests, a teacher should also consider a parent’s motivation for their child learning English. Is it a compulsory subject in school or did the family choose to send their child to extra English classes after school, are they financially prioritizing their child’s education by finding money to pay for English classes or do they get them for free through the public school? While there may be many different reasons for any one of those choices, it is important to take into consideration when trying to get parental involvement. Parents have a huge impact on their child’s education and it’s important for teachers to recognize that regardless of the culture or type of English teaching. It is important for me, coming from a life spent in the American public school system, to not force my idea of correct parental involvement in the education of their children on the parents of my students from different countries and cultures. Of one thing I am sure, parents generally want the best for their children and so do I, so I am sure we can work together to give them the best opportunities possible.