Teach English in Shangguan Zhen - Dali Baizu Zizhizhou

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shangguan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Dali Baizu Zizhizhou? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Classroom management is the basis of an effective environmental education for EFL learners. Classroom management is based on the ways and techniques that lead for better organization during classroom lessons. First and foremost, the organization and/or management of a class should be based on the following criteria. Initially, the appropriate implementation of body language including eyes contact, gestures, voice, to name but a few, is of paramount significance. Body language contributes for a better friendly, productive and beneficial environment throughout the conduction of lessons. Using gestures to explain a particular vocabulary help the learners to be more engaged and attentive. Furthermore, the act of grouping students occasionally is essential for EFL learners to discover individual work, pairwork, andgroupwork. Accordingly, being aware that each position for grouping students comprises of pros and cons is important for EFL teachers to be more proactive of unpredictable pitfalls. However, grouping students depend by primacy onthe class size, type of activity and students’ number. Additionally, EFL teachers are highly recommended to assign the division of learners depending on the class size and students’ nationality, personality and age. Most importantly, teachers’ position plays a crucial role to the facility and flow of learning process. It is noteworthy that the movement and position of teachers vary depending on the activity being involved. When giving instructions, for example, it is essential for teachers to be in standing position. In the same regard, managing the likelihood of providing convenient attention to all learners equally is greatly recommended. It is preferable for EFL teachers to treat their learners with equality, respect and kindness for the sake of avoiding confusion, misunderstanding and hostility. In the same thought of line, teacher talking time should be minimized and student talking time should be maximized. In doing so, it is necessary for EFL teachers to be concise, simple, clear and accurate in order to increase STT and decrease TTT. Moreover, creating a delightful atmosphere within the classroom highly depends in the on the rapport being built between students and teacher, on the one hand, and between students themselves, on the other hand. Therefore, it is advisable for EFL teachers to endorse as well as implement, for example, audio-visual materials, pairwork andgroupwork activities. In addition to this, monitoring the factors that lead to indiscipline is prominent to establish respectful atmosphere throughout the conduction of the lesson. EFL teachers should be keen on maintaining discipline which premised upon the providence of friendly atmosphere along with the execution of appropriate control. All in all, successful classroom management goes hand in hand with effective well-organization of the whole entities related to teaching and learning procedures.