Teach English in Encheng Zhen - Dezhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Encheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Dezhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

For the past twenty years I have had the pleasure of teaching English to Chinese students of all ages in both Taiwan and mainland China. The following are my observations: If one were to argue that Socrates were the beginning of modern Western Civilization, one could easily surmise that that modern Chinese civilization has its roots in the teachings of Confucius. While Socrates told his students that the unexamined life was not worth living, and that students should question everything, even their teacher; the opposite is true with the teaching of Confucius. This has led to China becoming a hierarchical society, where every person has a place, and should know his/her place. In China the teacher is to be respected by students. Unfortunately, this respect ultimately has resulted in a lack of critical thinking ability, or even the ability to speak out at all in class. The difference between any western classroom and a Chinese one is obvious and seen immediately. In a typical class in my country, students eagerly seek attention, and try to please the teacher by raising hands and answering questions. This has the added perk of making them feel a sense of pride or even superiority. In China, more often that not, the teacher will lecture, and the students will listen. The teacher rarely asks many or even any questions. This has has serious effects on ESL classrooms. Teaching English as a Second Language requires each student to speak. One cannot properly learn a language without the ability to speak it. I have met many students who were considered outstanding; they could read perfectly and write well. On the other hand, when it came to speaking and listening they were unable to carry on a simple conversation. Another thing I should mention is that in China, the concept of 'Face' is very strong. Failure leads to a loss of face, or a sense of shame. This leads to a fear of making mistakes. I always tell my Chinese students that mistakes are good. You can't learn anything without making them. A baby has to fall down hundreds of times before he can walk. This is the way it is with many things and learning a language is no different; so I try to encourage them in any way I can. I even will speak my horrendous version of Mandarin for a couple of minutes at the beginning of a course to let them see me fail badly. I find this makes them feel less likely to take their own mistakes so seriously. Everything I have said above is much less true when teaching young children, especially with very young learners under the age of six. Children at that age have been less ingrained into the societal norms and are probably not a lot different than young learners elsewhere. They are naturally curious, and often very shy, just like kids in my country. Currently I teach at a University, and I have private lessons at my home for young Children. I have a class of five year old's, that started my class with no English level, that speak more than my nineteen year old freshman. This is not hyperbole. The Chinese educational system is a 12 year gauntlet of misery. High school students wake up at 6:00 AM and are in class by 7:20. Their last class ends at 10:00 PM. Most are still awake at midnight. They usually live at the school in dorm rooms and are subjected to strict rules. Their life is a constant grind of classes, studying and testing. Sleep is something few of them get enough of. The point here being is; by the time they get to my university class, many of them have learned to hate learning. Unlike in the west where students have the option of various forms of private education or even homeschooling, students in China have few options. I have met many frustrated parents who feel helpless about this. I believe that one of my duties as a foreign teacher is to try to bring the joy of learning back to them. It isn't an easy task. But I try to accomplish it with as much compassion and understanding for each individual student that I can. I never overly pressure a student as I do not see the student's fear of speaking out as his or her own fault. Instead I try to nudge them on anyway I can.