Teach English in Hekou Jingji Kaifaqu - Dongying Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hekou Jingji Kaifaqu? Are you interested in teaching English in Dongying Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching on a one to one is a real skill and one that takes many months and even years of experience to be able to become proficient at. In fact, it is true to say that no matter how long someone has been teaching on a one to one basis, they will always find new strategies to employ. So, how can one-to-one teaching be effective? As a learning support practitioner for the past 18 years I have had the privilege of teaching countless students on a one to one basis. It is my favourite part of my job as it gives me the chance to really get to know my student well, to have some fun and to see them make specific progress. I have seen shy, timid children and reluctant teenagers blossom into confident young people with a love of reading and writing and then seen them apply these skills into all subjects. Only does one-to-one teaching give you, as the teacher, a real personal view of a student’s individual progress. When it comes to teaching EFL one-to-one teaching is a highly popular method of teaching. Many EFL students are young children who are learning English at the bequest of their parents or guardians. Teaching one-to-one online is different than teaching in a school-based situation but this does not mean it needs to limit the teacher. With the use of today’s incredible technology, (interactive whiteboards, uploads of videos and songs, educational computer games etc.) online one-to-one teaching can be wonderful. It is vitally important that the teacher establishes a rapport with their student at the very outset of the course. If the student is a young child then songs and props can be a great ice breaker and this will help the student to relax, to feel at ease and it also encourages instant participation. If the student is an older child or teenager then games can be used and adapted accordingly, again helping both student and teacher to relax. The teacher must take a genuine interest in their students, regardless of age. I have always found that really getting to know my student’s likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests and so forth enables me to build a good relationship with them and from this good teaching and therefore good learning can take place. By knowing a student well, a teacher can adapt teaching materials that grab the student’s interest, that encourage the student to learn and thus make progress as they learn English. This is especially useful when teaching EFL students as the materials will not only hold their interest but it will add to their language vocabulary and their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. An effective method of one-to-one teaching is to go at the student’s pace. Over the years I have learnt that every student learns at a different rate and that is ok. Whilst it is always good to push students it is never effective to overdo it. Progress that lasts is progress which is gradual. The teacher must take into account the students age, ability and any learning difficulties they may have and adapt accordingly. One-to-one teaching is so good because students can receive personal feedback on every aspect of the course and this means they tend to progress at a much quicker rate than students who are taught in groups. Feedback must always be encouraging, specific and not overly critical. The teacher does not need to pick up on every mistake a student makes as this would be detrimental to the student’s self-esteem and progress would become very limited. By focusing in on specific areas which need improvement, a teacher can really help their student to overcome any problems and to keep moving forward as a successful EFL student. Another way to ensure good one-to-one teaching is to make the lessons fun, engaging and purposeful. A teacher shouldn’t be afraid of having a laugh and encouraging their students to do the same, be it through role play, using props, singing silly songs, playing fun games etc etc. Students, no matter what age, thrive on fun lessons, they look forward to them and they often make much greater progress than those who are taught rigidly. In conclusion, one-to-one teaching is effective when the teacher takes a genuine interest in their students; when the teacher adapts the lesson according to the student; when the lesson is levelled at the student’s pace; when the teacher gives specific praise and feedback to enable the student to make the best progress; and when the teacher uses as much of a variety of different teaching tools, be it electronic or actual props, and above all when the teacher makes the lessons fun, engaging and purposeful.