Teach English in Huatugou Zhen - Haixi Mengguzu Zangzu Zizhizhou

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Huatugou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Haixi Mengguzu Zangzu Zizhizhou? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

This is the Role of a Teacher according to me, Richard A Reed SR. I like to look at the role of a teacher like that of a coach. There are responsibilities to complete common goals with a variety of means all within the guidelines of standards. We are responsible for an exchange of information just like any other relationship that is created and maintained. I do prefer the ESA, (engage, study, activate) style of teaching because it fits my personality as well as being a teaching technique taught by the TEYL course in that I give information by example and this creates an engagement, then give time for students to practice and study the instruction given and then activate this into an end result showing what has been taught and what was learned and how it is then applied. My lesson plan would look like this. Language point: juggle with left foot teaching aids: ball, cleats, tether Learning Objective: being able to control the ball with left foot Personal aims: improve my ability to be an example of this skill Anticipated student problem: "can't do it" "it's too hard" "I'm not left footed" solution: positive reinforcement, break down technique to single motion events Anticipated teacher problems: focus on the task, individual involvement solution: keep practice fun My example here is when I am coaching young soccer players I first determine a skill that I would like to incorporate into their playing abilities prior to the next practice session and then having established that, I decide on the techniques to practice this skill. On to the task at hand as I would first show the example of what I would like them to perform and then have them go through the motions of the technique first without the ball. Then depending on the task, I would break them up into smaller groups to practice this task while I visually evaluate the task being done and make corrections where needed. It is at this point that I am evaluating the level of understanding by the results of their practicing. After this practice time I then have them get into small sides (3-5 players per side) and then play a short game with a focus of trying to use the newly learned technique where possible and also learning when and where within the game of how it is correctly used. I like to think of this as the theory of pedagogy relative to the sport of soccer. In my view of this, there are different ways of learning and knowing this, there needs to be different ways of teaching and being able to relay the information needed to do the skill. My example here is that there are some techniques that can be modeled by myself or an assistant coach (teaching assistant) and some that can also be a example by way of using technology and can be watched on video being completed by an expert of that technique and then be practiced with that example in mind. Once this is done and a water break has been had, it is time to then use what we learned and practiced in the small groups to be added to a full size match. After this, initial evaluation of match skill application can then decide if any additional training is needed with this specific technique as in the boomerang of technique relative to teaching and this also allows for any patchwork that might be needed as well. If so, I can revisit practicing of the skill and break them up again into smaller groups or individuals to focus on the technique of the skill even using other techniques to accomplish the end result desired. Then again it is time to apply what has been learned into actual game time and start with small sides before advancing to the 11 vs 11 match which is the end result. So the role of a teacher is like that of a coach (teacher of sports) in that there is instruction, practice and application of learned skill is evaluated and graded based on an end result.