Teach English in Xiangride Zhen - Haixi Mengguzu Zangzu Zizhizhou

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiangride Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Haixi Mengguzu Zangzu Zizhizhou? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Starr ITTT CBTE Summative Task in Business English (Topic #75) In this Summative Task, it is my intention to highlight the central aspects of my learning in this outstanding ITTT course. It shall serve as the basis for seeking employment internationally teaching Business English. I will begin by reviewing the important lessons, then identify the most crucial aspects, and conclude with advice for others who are pursuing certification teaching Business English. As a supplement to the course material provided by ITTT, I will sum up the employment prospects in Business English for a sample foreign city in South America, specifically, Buenos Aires. Business English is a growing field all over the world. As the world economy continues to morph, with different players vying for the top, there are millions of potential clients who require our instruction. Most likely, they already know their field well, so they do not need us to teach them about that. In fact, they will appreciate being able to bring their knowledge to the table! Our job is to hone their skills in using English in the workplace, from receiving phone calls to giving presentations. We must be flexible and ready to “teach to the corners” of each classroom! Whether we have three students/clients or 15, there will be a wide range of English language skills. Chances are some bad habits have already begun to form, depending on the students’/clients’ native language. We must have an arsenal of interesting worksheets of varying levels, as well as a good clear plan for motivating the stronger English speakers to assist the ones with fewer skills and/or a more limited vocabulary. Another crucial factor is that our students/clients are busy. They may be pulled away from our class(es) for an emergency if we are teaching at their place of employment. If we are not, chances are they have worked all day. They need us to cut to the chase! No busy work! If our hour with them drags by, they will not learn. There could be other repercussions for them such as missing a promotion. So we must take our work very seriously. Following the ESA format ensures success for all involved. Using authentic materials for the Engage stage is a great way to get them thinking and talking in English. We must be sure to choose magazines or brochures that are understandable for them, perhaps even a level or two lower so that they feel confident and begin the main lesson with the feeling of already having achieved something. The Study stage can use non-authentic materials such as the instructions from their boss for a presentation they have coming up. The Activate stage can be a practice run for their actual presentation! Students with stronger skills can lead the preparations for the presentation, but it is important that their counterparts have full participation in the final product, even if it is just a few lines. This type of situation can be very fulfilling for all involved, if facilitated well! It will be like team-building exercises, and we will be an integral part of that team. Breaking into the Business English world can be very exciting, but just like the number of people around the world needing to study Business English is increasing, so is the number of qualified professionals competing to teach it to them! Taking time before applying to prepare a unique and polished resume or CV is time well spent. And it is essential to customize our cover letter for the exact company for whom we want to work. It takes extra time, but it will pay off. Finally, joining professional associations is a very good game plan. Not only we continue our professional development as certified Business English teachers, we increase our opportunities to work (and play) anywhere in the world! There may be fees associated with membership, but according to ITTT CTBE training materials, the investment will most likely repay itself quickly, in terms of the information we are able to access via organizations such as IATEFL and ELTECS. Let us peer into a potential destination for teaching Business English abroad. Buenos Aires, Argentina is often described as the Paris of South America. It is a beautiful and bustling city with many companies, both start-up and established. VISA requirements are loose in terms of traveling in and out of the country, just be sure before going to have your return flight booked. Many local companies will want to interview you if you have a local address established already, so plan on distributing your CV and cover letters in advance and then head to Buenos Aires. The cost of living is relatively low. You can even stay in a hipster student hostel for your first weeks or months for about $10 per day! If your Spanish isn’t all that great, sign up right away for a refresher course. That way you may be able to freelance until you get that dream job downtown with a major Argentinian company. In conclusion, Business English is the wave of the future. This certification is the first step toward a successful career. All we have to do is have a clear plan, some money saved up, and a power CV. R. Starr July 2018, Barcelona