Teach English in Xiligou Zhen - Haixi Mengguzu Zangzu Zizhizhou

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiligou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Haixi Mengguzu Zangzu Zizhizhou? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

It is highly likely that at some point in a teacher’s career they will be faced with the task of managing the behaviour of a child with additional needs. However, managing difficult behaviour of a student with challenging behaviour can be extremely stressful for all those involved. It is critical that when problems arise in the classroom, teachers take the appropriate steps to address any issues. In order to effectively manage student behaviour in the classroom, teachers need to be aware of the impact that the environment plays in meeting or hindering the needs of these students. The implementation of appropriate instructional strategies can also be used to assist teachers with promoting engagement in learning and positive behaviour. When observing a classroom setting it is often apparent that there are a variety of behaviours on display. These behaviours can have a profound influence on the teaching and learning that occurs within the classroom. It is useful for teachers to investigate the cause and purpose behind a student’s disruptive behaviour as it can be motivated by a number of factors. This includes things such as a students cultural background, age and other languages spoken. It is important that teachers develop the skills to manage both positive and negative types of behaviours. An analysis of the motivations that are behind the inappropriate behaviours can result in a better understanding of why students act the way that they do and what purpose it serves them. Such motivations for disruptive behaviours can include serving a function, being the result of learning difficulties or a behavioural disorder. Power plays an important role in the student/teacher relationship and it is in the teachers’ hands to control it. When developing a behaviour management style teachers are encouraged to examine a range of theoretical approaches to determine which of these fits with their beliefs about children. A crucial factor in behaviour management is consistency. Students particularly respond positively to routine and clear consequences. Children must know what the consequences are for their behaviours and know that these consequences will be enforced. When students are clearly aware of what the consequences for their actions are and they choose to misbehave, they also choose to accept that consequence. Teachers must ensure that the rules are the same for all children within their class. In other words, what is good for one child is good for all children. When students realise that everyone gets the same punishment, no matter who they are, they are less likely to take it personally when they are given a ‘‘consequence’’. Teachers also need to be consistent with rewards. Rewarding good behaviour reinforces the desired behaviour and takes the focus away from the undesired behaviour. Classroom management is something that all teachers must utilise to different degrees, depending on the range of students within their class. Without positive behaviour management, the learning environment will not be harmonious and students will lose the ability to achieve their learning potential. It is crucial that teachers adopt strategies to support the learning of all students. Word count: 507