Teach English in Baliguan Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Baliguan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Motivating students is a crucial priority of teaching. Since student motivation is important, teachers should bear in mind some effective ways to get their students excited learning. Even the teacher has students who do not have sufficient enthusiasm for learning, it is possible to make learning fun and inspire them to reach their full potential of learning. Every student looks to teacher for approval and praise. If students feel their work is recognized and valued, they will be enthusiastic about learning. Therefore teacher should always praise their students,encourage them and recognise them for their contributions. This makes students more motivated for learning. You should focus on getting all students involved through giving them responsibilities.For example when you want them to work as a group we should assign each a task or role. Even erasing the blackboard,passing out materials or decorating the classroom are very good opportunities to assign them. Giving responsibility makes students active participation in class and they feel accomplished. Teacher personal motivation and energy stimulate students attention to learning. Your teaching passion affects students learning motivation. Because students always follow their teachers behaviors and efforts. Teachers energetic approaches to the lesson arouse students interest. Teaching through using games is another effective method for motivating students. Most of students enjoy games. Therefore an appropriate game will play great role of your class motivation. The most important point in this way is to be able to manage the lesson. This depends on a good lesson plan and anticipating problems. Because poor plan for using games activities may cause everything out of control. Another important point in using games is getting involve every single student, not to skip anyone. You should pay attention to strengths and weaknesses of each of your student. Their strengths should be rewarded.Rewarding is one of the best keys of motivating students. When it comes to their weaknesses, you should be very careful no to frustrate them while trying strengthen their weak points. Doing student centred lesson is important for students motivation. Because in student centered lesson everything is done by students, teachers roles are facilitating,observing or managing. This makes students dominant in class. They feel responsible for activities. On other hand it pushes students to be more creative. Tests are important issue in students life. Most of students are anxious about exams. For this reason, teachers should be very careful when prepare a test. Tests should be very well-balanced, totally related to the lessons and all students levels should be taken into consideration. Students achievement is always big stimulation and on the contrary failing is frustration which leads losing motivation of students. A good relationship between teacher and student after school time helps students motivation a lot. Even at break times short chats with students are good opportunities to create good relationship. It is hard to know your students only during the lesson. But knowing students is build your bond and enable you to approach them accordingly. Motivating students is a fundamental criterion for a smooth teaching.Therefore it is very important responsibility of teachers to support their students motivation.