Teach English in Daan Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Daan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

While the technology era has evolved drastically, it has become an extremely helpful tool to aid in the teaching environment. Utilizing these tools enhance the learning experience for both the teacher and the students. Introducing these types of technology in the classroom is definitely an advantage, but may come with repercussions because it is possible to become heavily reliant on technology. As a result, an outline of the pros and cons of using technology such as the overhead project (OHP) and the computer in the classroom will be evaluated to a high degree. Based on unit 17, there are plentiful advantages to using technology in order to help communicate content and even the dynamic atmosphere of the classroom. Using the overhead projector as an example, not only does it allow for cutting down on writing on the board, but even eliminates the need for the teacher to turn their back to the students. This is clearly a solution for the learning environment since it solves multiple tasks that occur with traditional learning environments. Utilizing the OHP will allow for the teacher to plan, organize, and conduct the class with little to none interruption. However, technology is not always reliable as files, documents, and presentations may become corrupt or other issues may arise which is considered one of the major flaws of technology. As a result, the OHP can be heavily utilized in the classroom, but should not always be relied upon as the primary teaching tool. As technological tools progressively become more accessible, a certain amount of dependency becomes apparent. Computers and smartphones are a fantastic method for both teachers and students to find information that can further enhance their understandings and quench their curiosity. While smartphones may be against the school's code of conduct, computers are widely accepted as a part of the learning process. Word processing software such as Microsoft Word is a beneficial tool for teachers to provide documents and worksheets that can be accessed in the future if necessary. Depending on the school, students may also be required to type up documents that will be submitted to the teacher for evaluation and the use of a word processor program eliminates any misunderstandings that may arise with penmanship. Not only is the computer useful for simply typing documents or providing worksheets, it can also be used as a form of teaching even a student from across the world can participate in. Online resources are extremely popular and can be shared instantaneously. A major benefit that exceeds the traditional teaching environments that computers provide is email. Email can be utilized to connect with teachers outside of the classroom, which helps to build rapport and lets students have the ability to ask questions without any pressure. At the end of the day, while the computer may prove to be a powerful learning tool, the use of a computer in the classroom may become a distraction for students. Technology throughout can be beneficial for the learning environment. Obviously, many traditional methods can be solved with the use of technology, but it is not the perfect solution. Yet, we are moving towards an era where technology is providing easy access to materials and other learning resources. As a result, the argument between traditional methods and technological methods will always exist. Ultimately, new technology in the classroom will be dependent on the teacher and how the teacher utilizes technology to the fullest extent.