Teach English in Jinjiahe Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

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Child development is a continuous development from the early stage of birth until the maturity stage.Everybody may have a different rate of development of life. the aspects of development can be classified into physical,emotion,cognitive and social approaches The change and the development of physical can be seen on their physical appearance for instance,the increasing of the children's teeth,height, weight and parts of their body will grow bigger. they will also be able to make a physical movement such as walking,holding,or picking things.Furthermore,the development of their cognitive can some how be measure by the way of their thinking. they will be able to memorizing,reasoning,counting and many other abilities.As for emotion development,children will discover many emotions within themselves.they can be sad,happy,and angry according to particular situation.They will also be able to deal with those emotions.Lastly,the development of one's social interaction can be clearly seen on how the person interact and mix with other people as well as try to adapt with the environment surrounding. Growth and development are related with each other.The growth pattern can be similar with everybody but it is different in rate.Once rate of development is influenced by two major factors which turned humans into various kinds of personality and characteristics in terms of their cognitive,physical,emotion as well as their social approaches.As a result,an inconsistencies and different stage of one's development process occur. The two major factors are geneticand environmentfactors and it has been scientifically proven. six basic development capacities also known as stage,milestone or levels lay a foundation for all our learning and development.children without special needs often master these skills relatively easily.children with challenges make the mastery more difficult. by understanding these skills and the factors that influence them and by working direction on them,caregivers, educators and the rapists often can help even those children with what are thought to be chronic disorders master many of them.Appropriate emotional experiences during each of the six developmental capacities help develop critical cognitive,social,emotional,Language and motor skills,as well as a sense of self. in the earliest days of child's life,she knows her self primarily through her response to her physical world ;gas,bubbles,movement,sights and sounds,textures,and other sensations.soon she responds to her parents,their voice,smiles,and special smells.patterns of movement create states of shared 4 to 8 months she begins to take a rattle and may even give it back frustration. she smiles and makes sounds,expecting to get a smile,a frown,or a sound in return.for the first time,she knows her self in part as distinct from others,as a person of volition,as some one who can initiate an action and have an impact on the world as the year progresses,emotional gestures grow in 12 or 16 months she doesn't merely reach when Daddy offers a toy, but she can take Daddy to the shelf to get the toy she really wants.she knows her self as some one who can string together a series of actions to communicate her intentions to another person.months pass and her actions grow more complex 18 to 20 months she feeds her dolls instead of merely them and explain her actions, saying, dolly eat. now she knows her self in terms of ideas. she can generate ideas and tell the world about them with her words. more months pass, and she grows more complex again. by 36 months she can tell you, lets ride bikes, pausing at the door to see whether it's cold out, she might then say better put our coats on first. now she is a logical cohesive, thinking person. through all these stages the child's emotional, social, and cognitive skills grow and her sense of self grows increasingly complex. this sense of self will continue to expand as the child grows older and as new experience stir her interests and capabilities in a new direction. but her functional sense of self. that core emotional sense that forms the foundation for further learning, is in place. it was nurtured through millions of daily interaction, primarily with her parents, as every glance, every tickle, every questions built her sense of who she was. thanks to these interactions, she can layer on on additional cognitive, intellectual, and social skills to serve her through out her life. she is prepared for the further challenges of her own development, and for the world Early childhood development is crucial to how a person develops later on in life. reasons for a how a person acts,behaves,and thinks can be traced back to their childhood circumstances and environment.parents also play a very important role in a child's development.if they are involved and provide a nurturing and rich environment then they contribute in a positive way to their child's development which will help them later on in life.the human brain is most impressionable in the first several years of life. this is why these years are so extremely important and can impact a person's life even into adulthood. unhealthy eating habits and negative social interactions, such as a child being isolated,can lead to a child not developing in a proper way.A child who is raised under these circumstances could suffer the consequence later on in life such as speech impediments or the inability to socialize in a proper and civilized manner .Early childhood development programs are extremely effective and should strongly be considered by parents.Research has proven that those who attend ECD programs benefit greatly.these children see better results in school,have better social and more stable emotional behavior,and develop strong relationship with their parents,to name a few Overall,early childhood development is an extremely important issue which needs to gain recognition.Every parent needs to understand and be aware of how crucial the first several years of their child's life is. they should not hesitate to research or ask for help on the topic if need be.Powered by create your own unique.