Teach English in Laozhuang Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

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Teaching Multiple Tenses The tense system of English is probably one of the most daunting areas for many speakers of other languages. Multiple tenses should be taught through explaining strict grammar rules while allowing the students to practice proper structure, as well as evaluating themselves with quizzes and examples. There are three different tenses in English: the past, the present and the future. Each of these tenses has four aspects: simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous. 1. The Past Tenses: The past tense expresses or indicates a time that is in the past. For instance, if we want to say that an event occurred or something was the case at a particular time in the past, we use the past simple tense which is the one we use most often. 1) Simple Past Tense Structure: Verb + ed or irregular verb. Example: 1) It rained yesterday. 2) She read the summative task report last night. 2) Past Continuous Tense Structure: Was/were + present participle. Example: 1) We were not listening. 2) She was going to Toronto. 3) Past Perfect Tense Structure: Had + past participle. Example: 1) I had finished my summative task. 2) He had completed his project. 4) Past Perfect Continuous Tense Structure: Had + been + past participle Example: 1) I had been eating my dinner for 20 minutes. 2) She had been chatting with her friends since morning. 2. The Present Tenses: It is the situation when we are talking an existing state of events. We use a verb that is the present tense. 1) Simple Present Tense Structure: Base verb (+ s/es for third party). Example: 1) I read books every night. 2) She studies every day. 2) Present Continuous Tense Structure: is/am/are + present participle. Example: 1) Is Michael playing soccer today? 2) He is sitting in a chair. 3) Present Perfect Tense Structure: Has/have + past participle Example: 1) I have finished my report. 2) John has received his certificate. 4) Present Perfect Continuous Tense Structure: Has/have + been + present participle Example: 1) Tom has been writing articles on different topics since yesterday. 2) I have been studying in this school since 2013. 3. The future Tense: This describes an action that will take place at some future time. For example, if we want to say something that is planned to happen, or we think it is likely to happen in the future, then we use the future tense. 1) Simple Future Tense Structure: Will/ shall + verb Example: 1) We shall go to our home town. 2) He will complete his summative task tomorrow. 2) Future Continuous Tense Structure: Will be + present participle Am/is/are + going to be + present participle Example: 1) I will be watching the movie at 7 pm. 2) We will be working until 9 pm tomorrow. 3) Future Perfect Tense Structure: Will have + past participle Am/is/are + going to have + past participle Example: 1) I will have finished planting the new flower by Thursday. 2) She will have completed the English course by the end of this year. 4) Future Perfect Continuous Tense Structure: Will have been + present participle Am/is/are + going to have been + present participle Example: 1) We will have been watching TV for over an hour before you join us. 2) By next Sunday, I will have been studying grammar for two weeks. In summary, English grammar of multiple tenses can be hard to learn for lots of non-native English speakers. Many complex rules and exceptions make the language difficult to master. However, teaching multiple tenses can help students to learn English language from the basis. Three main types of tenses are explained above with examples and basic structures. Hopefully this summative task would provide a clear idea how to teach English multiple sentences.