Teach English in Taiyangling Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

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Discipline in the classroom can help or hurt any teacher's authority, organization, dignity, student performance, and so much more. Often, discipline is not a topic that likes to be discussed, however, that is not a good reason to neglect it as a topic. Discipline, thankfully, is not normally needed a lot, but without executing the proper way, a teacher will not be very successful for long. Executing discipline in the proper way is essential for earning respect from students, keeping the classroom organized, and more. As a teacher, must one must be willing to admit their own mistakes and have the humility needed to relate to their students, as well as to ask for students' input. However, when it comes to discipline, the teacher is the authority. The student, having agreed to attend the class in someway or another, must then submit to the teacher on an authority basis. The teacher must always remember that. A student is never allowed to violate the teacher's authority whether through disobedience, misbehavior, ignoring the teacher, or by any other means. Prior to developing this point some more, it should also be understood that the expectation of the teacher is to be loving, sincere, and fun with his or her students. However, as soon as a child disrespects the teacher or commits another action that doesn't respect the authority of the teacher, everything must stop. The "fun teacher" goes away and the "serious teacher" comes out during that moment. When the "serious teacher" comes out, there is no anger being shown. There is only sternness. It should feel as if the air has left the room. The teacher should then repeat the command for the child to obey. Thankfully, the student will then comply many times and the teacher can return to showing his or her love and "fun side" to the students. However, if the student still does not comply, this not the point to compromise. If the student continues to resist, then the student should be penalized (including the student's team in the event of competition) whether by means of switching to a specialized seat, deduction of points, standing up, etc. Immediately, the teacher should tell the student that if they don't comply, then the student will be forced to leave the classroom and the student's parents will be notified. If the student complies, then the "fun teacher" comes back and teaches as if nothing happened. However, if the student doesn't comply, then the teacher must follow through with what was threatened. During the exchange of discipline, there are several principles that need to be had when doing so. First, during the discipline process, the teacher is not angry, he is just stern in upholding the authority of the teacher. He should handle the situation in a way that students know he or she isn't angry, but just being stern. Secondly, never make a threat that you won't follow-through on. Nothing hurts a teacher's authority, respect, and ability to discipline like not doing what was threatened. Whatever the teacher says he or she will do, he or she must absolutely do it. By not doing it, the trouble student and the other students will realize that they can't get away with a lot. Next, the students must know that you're a kind, fun, and loving teacher at all non-discipline times. They should only ever see the very stern and serious side when you're disciplining a student. That way, they always recognize when you're not joking around, when they need to obey, etc. Moreover, the goal of the discipline process is not to make your students fear you. It is only so that they will respect your authority. Teachers should always love and care for their students. It's encumbered upon teachers to be consistent in carrying out discipline in a proper, consistent manner. In closing, the discipline process is not fun for teachers or for students, but it's necessary. Throughout the whole process, all students, including the one being disciplined, should recognize that you love them and care for them, however, disobedience and disrespect are not tolerable. The goal is for the "serious teacher" to come out as little as possible. The more consistent discipline is had in a proper way, the more time the "fun teacher" has time to shine. *Please note: this paper is written in regards to discipline when the teacher is completing their responsibilities in the classroom.