Teach English in Yuhuangmiao Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yuhuangmiao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

There are many things any teacher must consider before entering a classroom and in the English teaching context, a very important consideration is around the topic of cultural sensitivity. Because English classes are conducted with students from a variety of different cultures and quite often these classes take place in a foreign country, teachers must ensure that their teaching does not offend cultural or social norms. For example, in a Western classroom it might be quite common to divide the class into mixed-sex pairs, however, in many cultures around the world this would be quite offensive. This can be quite a confusing process for any English teacher to navigate as cultural norms can vary drastically from country to country. One tool that English teachers can utilise to help overcome this difficulty is the Geert Hofstede model. Hofstede is a social psychologist who developed a framework that identifies four key dimensions which allow us to differentiate between cultures. Based on a large-scale study conducted in the 1970s that evaluated how values in the workplace are influenced by culture, Hofstede’s analysis identified four key dimensions through which we can understand intercultural differences. The dimensions he identified are as follows: Power Distance Index (PDI) which focuses on the level of equality that exists within a particular society. A country with a high power distance index would be one that has allowed a high level of inequality to develop within society and therefore these cultures are more likely to follow a caste system and restrict upward social mobility of its citizens. A low power distance index indicates that a country values equality. Individualism (IDV) which focuses on whether a society values and reinforces individuality and individual rights over collective, community ties. A country with a high individualism index indicates more emphasis is placed on the individual whereas a country with a low individualism ranking would be more concerned with the family unit and communal ties where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of the society. Masculinity (MAS) which focuses on the extent to which a country values the traditional masculine role. A country with a high masculinity ranking would be ones in which males exert strong control over the society and dominate the power structures of the country. A low masculinity ranking indicates a country with low levels of discrimination between the genders. Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) which focuses on the tolerance within a community for uncertainty and ambiguity. A high uncertainty avoidance ranking demonstrates a country with a low tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. In these countries rules and regulations are paramount to reduce the level of uncertainty. Based on an additional study conducted at a later date, Hofstede added a fifth dimension which is known as Long-term orientation (LTO). This dimension focuses on whether a society embraces long-term devotion to traditional, forward thinking values. A high long-term orientation ranking demonstrates that society values long-term commitments and respects tradition whereas a low long-term orientation ranking shows the country does not promote this long-term devotion to traditional thinking. By considering how a country ranks using Hofstede’s model prior to commencing a teaching role there can help a teacher gain an understanding into what is valued most in this culture and ensure that their conduct in the classroom reflects this. For example, China is a country that is a common destination for English teachers and its Hofstede analysis tells us that it has a high long-term orientation ranking and a low individualism ranking. This suggests that there is a deep, long-term commitment to traditional values in this culture, so it would be highly important for a teacher to learn what these traditions are and ensure they do not offend these values in the classroom. The low individualism ranking means that this society places much emphasis on strong group relationships where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of the group. An English teacher could use this to their advantage in the classroom by placing greater emphasis on group work activities.