Teach English in Rangu Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Rangu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

If you are teaching now, you will never stop doing it. You will never break the chain, especially, if we are talking about children. They are not just different people, no. They are whole different race. You can consider yourself being the luckiest teacher for Young learners, if you have you own child/children. At least, you are familiar with general behavior of this race. But, what if you are just a young teacher of the young learners and the only thing you know is the theoretical knowledge that you got during the university study. What should you do then? What should you do with them? How can teach them? How can you control them? These are just a few questions that appear in a head of the young teacher like me. I have several years of experience of working with children of different age. With the big ones – it is easier – they can talk, can, listen, can understand you, but they could be lazy. With the young ones – a real challenge. So, here we go. Classroom. About ten children in it. Co-teacher. You. You are the only one who can speak English. And it does not matter which language your students speak, somehow you have to explain the rules they have to follow in order to maintain the discipline during the whole lesson. These are some tips based on my own teaching experience for the young teachers: 1) First of all, each of your lessons should be thought out in details. If your lessons are unclear, disorganized, or not engaging enough for the students, they may lose attention, they could feel your uncertainty and understand that you don't have enough personal discipline. As a result, it will be much more difficult to set the discipline in the class. 2) Try always keep students busy during the lesson (play a trivia game or do the warm up and so on) 3) Pay attention to all the students (not only to the “weak” ones or the “strong”) 4) Always control the lesson time 5) Use a variety of tools and methods of teaching in the classroom, try to make it exciting 6) Be sure to monitor your psychological condition, do not let emotions take over you. Try always to be positive 7) Control not only your emotions bur also your voice. If the classroom is noisy, don’t respond by raising your voice. Rather, you might start speaking in a normal voice so that the students need to quiet down to hear you. Also, you can get down to their eye level, look them right in the eyes and say in a stern, loud voice i.e. no. 8) Do not wait students to calm down and be quite. Never yell on them or wait till the total salience. Just grab their attention by doing something unexpectedly (clap your hands, knock the board or even start singing a song they know). Your actions will surely cause interest and distract children. It is important to demonstrate confidence and firmness. 9) No matter the age of your students, everyone should be treated with respect. Your students are more likely to treat you with respect as well. 10) With students create a few the most important rules. Be sure the students understand them. Remind them about these rules every lesson. But there are also not tips but rules, to my mind, every teacher has to follow in order to control the students and have perfect discipline. 1) Remember you are the boss in the classroom. You have to 1000% sure what and why you are doing. 2) Do not try to be a friend for the students. You have to be firm and fair with them. You have to be an example to follow. 3) Create your own point system to motivate your students. These tips are based on my own experience of teaching English. I am just standing at the very beginning of my teacher career and now I can be sure that with the help of these tips every new lesson for the young learns will be easier than the previous one.