Teach English in Tangmiao Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tangmiao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

At begin of this paper, I want to explain the reason why I choose this topic. From the TEFL lessons, I have learned lots of things, so I want to say thanks. Let’s talk about the teaching skills in classroom now. The most useful one for me is the ESA teaching method. Why the teaching method is useful, because it give me some teaching ideas and give me a standard teaching process. I can follow this rules and arrange my class easily at the beginning teaching career. And then, I can design my own teaching plans based on such ideas. So the ESA teaching method is very important to me. In general, there are three types of such teaching method: straight arrow, patchwork and boomerang. The straight arrow is followed rule as: engage, study and activate. For engage part, it help teachers to stimulate students or cheer them up. So after engage part, students may feel relaxed and willing to join the class. In my opinion, I can make the class more cheerful though this way; and for study part, teachers can elicit the target language to students instead of tell the right answer to students directly. We also can create more exercises to let students do more review or practice about the target language. And the last is activate, each class should end with activate, that means we need activate part to make sure that our students have learned something or real know some new knowledge. Patchwork and boomerang are important, and they are more flexible. Patchwork start with engage part, the same as straight arrow method. And after engage, it develops into study part, for this part, we can elicit one of the target language of the whole class. It easy let students understand the target language. Next step is engage, after one study step, we should cheer students up again, and different from the first engage step, it likes a review part or practice activity. And then study, activate, study, and activate. So based on such method, I know that the teaching process should be ended with activate step. And the last one is boomerang, the teaching step is engage, activate 1, study and activate 2. In real class, I will choose one of the three teaching method to manage my class, and I also will use different teaching ways with the consideration of different class or students. For example, If I teach a class about vocabulary, I can follow the straight arrow teaching technique. I can prepare engage step with mime and action or I can let students talk with each other. And for next step, study, I can let students do gap-filling exercises, word searches, or matching exercises. And for activate part, there also some interesting exercises like: role-play, simulation, story building and so on. Based on such teaching ideas, I can arrange class follow the standard rule. The first step is engage, teachers can let students share information about the main topic of the class. And next, for study step, teachers can show a text or play dialogue. Check pronunciation, spelling or meaning. And last step is activate, let students make their own thing or conversation which based on teaching topic. In general, there are lots of teaching skills which has introduced in TEFL units. I can’t conclude all of them. But which I mentioned above, is the most influential teaching skills to me.