Teach English in Weiwan Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Weiwan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The word evaluation means the actual check of work done by ones class or students after the teacher has given a task.After the evaluation there is testing to be sure your students did the work you gave them. So from the word evaluation we can now see that from a lay man point of view it means giving a test to a class after teaching.As a professional teacher you must be able to give a test to students and evaluate them to know if what you thought them they were able to digested it,for some students accept they have understood but in the long run they forget but with the evaluation of the task you have thought them it will make them understand and digest it very well.This equally will make them keep it in their minds for a very longtime if not for life.This I from experience I have gethered all these years.I equally have been able to know all these years that giving an evaluation task or test to students under tight supper vision equally helps in making the students to learn very well and reason too to bring their own view about the subject matter.It equally gives them room to do research after a class if they know about the up coming of the evaluation. From my own point of view evaluation and testing is very important in a class after teaching is done as it helps to keep or make the students to study if they fail the test in class especially when others are passing they will try to know it to their finger tips,evaluation and testing has all these years helped in making lazy students to study and bit their mates by all course.I am one of the people in the world evaluation and testing have made to be intelligent in their lifes,this is because many of my friends were always among the best students in class and I was the worst so i decided to know more about my school work which made me this intelligent.In class any test I will be the last so I decided to study and go ahead of the teacher and my mates.As dull as I was back then they were surprise to see my name come up to be amoung those who where in the middle as of the test we where given.Just like that I successfully passed my exams all thanks to the evaluation of students in class by the teacher. so I will advice any teacher to always evaluate his students in class after each lesson for this will make the students to assimilate what he or she the teacher thought previously in class.In as much as I in courage the teachers to evaluate their students is as much as I advice the students to pay attention in class for any lesson in class has never been for nothing for as much as its alongside your skim of work for that year and that level you are in school pay attention to it by all course