Teach English in Zhuangzhai Zhen - Heze Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhuangzhai Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Heze Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) news dated November 5, 2018 the Educational Ministry said that child's suicides in Japan were the highest they had been in more than three decades. Children from elementary and high school age were most of the victims. It had been reported that one of the children's concerns was worrying about the future. It is very alarming on the part of the family and of the educational department. If only they were surrounded by people who would encourage and give them hope then those lives would not be taken by themselves. This is the reason why motivating students is one of the big roles of a teacher because it gives a powerful impact to those who are losing hope and inspiration in their studies. It makes the students aspire for more and it opens a new door of chances especially to those who are learning English as foreign language. As stated in Google website, "Motivation" is often defined as a need or drive that energizes behavior toward a goal. Motivation can either come from within the student (intrinsic) or from outside (extrinsic). Given the meaning of it, it is very timely to state how English teachers can motivate their students inside the classroom. Creating an English positive learning environment is the first thing to do to motivate the students. It is believed that learning easily takes place when students are surrounded by visual materials that are connected to the new language that they are learning. This is more effective when motivating beginners and elementary students. A positive learning environment also means a properly ventilated room,and free from disturbing noises outside the classroom premises. It is very helpful for the students if they can perform English related activities without distraction from the outside. It helps the students to focus on speech drills, choral practices, and other board related activities. Furthermore, developing growth mindset over fixed mindset is a strong motivating factor that an English teacher can give to his students. Language teachers should instill in the mind of the learners that they are capable of understanding English lessons starting from the easiest topic down to the most difficult one, once they are just patient and cooperative in every activity. Developing growth mindset also means encouraging the students to ask questions from the topics that are unclear to them. Once the art of questioning is developed then clear answers will further be elaborated in each lesson. In addition, an English teacher should be firmed on telling students that abilities and talents can be cultivated and improved through hard work. Moreover, language teachers must also freely give praises after every small and big achievements of the learners whether identifying English colors, enumerating days of the week, being able to use polite expressions like "Thank you.", "Welcome.", and "Excuse me." or even after being able to write a letter of invitation to a friend. Small steps of learning a foreign language requires big and sincere praises. Those can be in forms of a surprise note inserted in their notebook or activity book saying "You did a great job, keep it up!" or a tap on the shoulder and an encouraging words saying, "You are greatly improving. I am so happy for you.". These are just simple ways to uplift the spirit of the students and be the best energy source to them. Aside from praises, giving of rewards is effectively helpful to motivate and inspire the learners. Giving good grades and constructive feedback can drive student's language interests for as long as it is sincere and true. It's emotional effect depends on how the teacher delivers it. A low tone of voice is helpful and can produce positive effect to the individual. Lastly, developing harmonious relationship with students is a very good source of motivation to them. If a good relationship is already developed, a teacher will not just be an educator to them but will be their friend, sister or brother or they can even treat him/her as his or her mother. Teaching English as foreign language doesn't only mean teaching them the parts of speech, and teaching them how to listen, speak, read, and write. It goes beyond the four macro skills of English. Teaching is a noble profession because beyond those English vocabularies and properly teaching them about intonation and stress is a number of lives waiting to be inspired by a passionate and committed educator because as what the saying says, "To teach is to touch lives forever."