Teach English in Maixiu Zhen - Huangnan Zangzu Zizhizhou

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Maixiu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Huangnan Zangzu Zizhizhou? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Evaluation and Teaching. Evaluations are the useful tools or techniques that provide insight for modification, planning and in some cases re-designing a course. Student evaluation also provides the opportunity to address issues regarding student learning while the course is still in progress. There are different ways a teacher can assess a student’s language level. a) Tests b) Tutorials c) Evaluation by the students. a). Tests. Students can be tested from time to during the course. There are different kinds of tests that teachers need to give students and each test has its own purpose. The tests can be categorized under the following: Placement test. This test is done in order to the appropriate level to place a student based on their language ability and sometimes the age of the student also matters. Some schools use multiple questions and some schools use picture-based questions. It should always start with greetings and simple questions to make the student comfortable. The diagnostic test, this test is usually more extensive. Usually, students are given the diagnostic test at the beginning of the course to determine how much the student know and also check areas that need improvements. It is similar to the placement test. Progress test. This test is normally given to students from time to time with the aim of check how much student students have acquired and how much they can remember and what they have forgotten, it, therefore, helps both the teacher and the student to know the areas that need improvements Practice test: This test is meant to prepare students for external examination. It follows the format and structure of external examination. The most common external examinations include; TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), IELTS (International English Language Testing System), TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) these are regarded as the general exams. Besides these general examinations, we also have the Cambridge Assessment. This is a non- teaching department affiliated to the University of Cambridge and carries out quite a number of assessments such as UK OCR Examination Board, General English, and Business English. Last but not least is Trinity college London that does ESOL Skills for living in the UK, mainly for those who first language is not English and who which to live or spend their lives in the UK. b) Tutorials This is another very important aspect of evaluation and teaching. The teacher can do it with the individual student or with the whole class, although it may be difficult to do it every lesson, the teacher should find a way to spend some time to review what students have learned and whether the aims of the lesson were achieved and make adjustments accordingly. c). Evaluation by the students. The last aspect of evaluation and teaching. Asking students to give feedback regarding the course they are learning and not the personalities of the teachers. This can be done either using questionnaires or guided discussions. This technique is very useful as it helps get the students own point of view, it could help improve the trust and relations between the teacher and the students, creates awareness among students of what happens in the classroom but also most importantly, helps the teacher to know better how the students react towards him or her. Evaluation by students could be by, asking students what they think about the course material, whether it’s too easy or too difficult. It is recommended that if the student’s language level is not good enough, the questionnaire of the discussion can be done in the student’s native language. In conclusion, tests, tutorials and evaluation by the students as aspects of evaluation and teaching have further broadened my understanding of teaching English as a foreign language. I look forward to incorporating all these aspects in my teaching to make a big difference in the life of the learners.