Teach English in Duozhuang Zhen - Jinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Duozhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

First language or L1 acquisition, which studies infants’ acquisition of their native language. It is also referred to as the "natural language", or the "mother tongue". Second language or L2 acqusition, which deals with the acquisition of additional languages. It is also known as the "target" language. L2 acquisition frequently happens when a child who speaks a language other than English goes to school for the first time.The field of second language acqusition (SLA) is a subdiscipline of applied linguistics,but also receives research attention from a variety of other disciplines. There are a lot of differences between the first language and the second language of a person. -L1 is ‘acquired’.’Acquire’ means ‘’to come into possession or ownership of ‘’ which indicates that the first language is like an abstract and dynamic property which comes into possession of a person. L2 is ‘learned’.’’Learn means to gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught ’’which indicates that there is nothing passive in second language. -While L1 acquisition is natural and there is no need for instruction in acquiring it,L2 acquisition is not natural andı t needs continuous guidance and instruction. -In L1 ,children spend years listening to language ,babling,using telegraphic speech before they can form sentences.On the other hand, In L2 learning is more rapid and people are able to form sentences within a shorter period of time. -While in L1 acquisition learners have many chances to practice with native speakers, in L2 acquisition,learners may o r may not have the opportunity to practice extensively with native speaker. - The first language is a natural part of a person’s everyday life. But the second language is a new aspect of the person’s life if she/he chooses it to be. Besides differences ,there are some similarities between first and second language acquisition. -In both L1 and L2 acquisition, there are predictable stages, and particular structures are acquired in a set order. Individuals may move more slowly or quickly through these stages,but they cannot skip ahead. -In both L1 and L2 acquisition, the learner uses context clues,prior knowledge, and interaction to comprehend language. - In both L1 and L2 acquisition, age is an important variable affecting proficiency. - In both L1 and L2 acquisition, making errors is a part of learning. Learners need to make and test hypotheses about language to build an internal representation of the language. In the initial stages of learning, learners may use chunks of language without breaking them down or processing them as independent units. In later stages, they may make new errors as they begin to process the parts of each chunk according to the rules of their language system. -In both L1 and L2 acquisition, learners can often comprehend more complex language than they are able to produce. In the initial stages of learning, learners go through a silent period. - In both both L1 and L2 acquisition, learners may overgeneralize vocabulary or rules, using them in contexts broader than those in which they should be used. -In both first and second language acquisition, learners need comprehensible input and opportunities to learn language in context in order to increase their proficiency.