Teach English in Huanghe Zhen - Jinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Huanghe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In traditional models of learning, the use of games in the classroom has often been dismissed or overlooked, and considered inappropriate to the ‘serious’ business of learning. In this essay, I will argue that games can play a central role in effective learning, and can help to develop cooperation, motivate students and focus their attention, and give them active opportunities to engage with, practice and perfect skills and content knowledge. However, games must be well planned, well designed, and well implemented by the teacher in order to meet the needs of the learners and fit with the subjects taught, learning stages, age groups, class size, and learners’ levels. Many games contain elements of competition, which can help to focus learners interest and attention. This also gives them the opportunities to compare their performance with their peers. However, when using competition in games, the teachers need to ensure that this does not negatively affect learner confidence. Learners who are struggling with a particular skill or topic may feel uncomfortable and demotivated if asked to participated in a highly competitive game in front of their peers. The teacher needs to use careful judgement in deciding when and how to introduce competition into games used as part of learning. Game can be a valuable tool in developing cooperative and peer-to-peer learning. Through games students often need to work together in groups or pairs. To meet the challenges of the game, they have to plan, listen, communicate and work out the game strategies together. However, the teacher needs to provide very good instructions and modelling, and organize and manage the classroom effectively, to ensure cooperative learning rather than chaos. Furthermore, when students are working in groups a part of classroom games, the teacher needs to carefully monitor and supervise to ensure that all learners have the chance to fully participate, rather than groups being dominated by particular members. Games place learners at the center of learning as active participants and can be used to engage learners of all levels at all stages of learning. Through active participation, students share responsibility for their learning and this can increase their motivation and concentration. However, teachers need to plan and design games with great care to ensure that they fit with learner levels. learning stages and learning objectives. If games are used inappropriately, they can create confusion among learners, undermine confidence and motivation, and be counterproductive to effective learning. In conclusion, when used correctly, games are a powerful teaching and learning tool that can introduce active, engaged and fun learning into the classroom. They can help students gain skills and content knowledge more effectively than traditional models of learning where students are passive participants. However, the effectiveness of games to support learning depends greatly on the skill of the teacher in selecting and designing appropriate games that meet the needs of learners. When used incorrectly, games can hinder learners, and negatively impact their confidence and competencies. Therefore, teachers need to be strategic and well-prepared as they incorporate games into learning.