Teach English in Mashan Zhen - Jinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Mashan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching aids in the classroom are an important part of a student learning abilities. It is important because they create a visual and interactive experience for the students in the classroom . Teaching aids and equipment can also be used to make lessons more interesting to the students. To help with the students in the class we use equipment such as the white/black board, tv, radio ,overhead projectors now in digital times interactive white boards, also the students have tablets and phones. First of all i will explain why managing equipment is important. First of all every class used to have blackboards. The teacher would call the student up to the front get them to write and the noise produced from the squeak and the dust unbearable. Now to maintain a blackboard was easy every time we use it and the information was no longer needed rub off the chalk. Nowadays we have Interactive White Boards, or IWB computerized they are some inexpensive and some very expensive can be used with sensitive movement of a mouse pen. Now using a white board first of all just say you have started at a new school and they have brand new Interactive white boards in class and nobody knows how to use it what do we do we must get acquainted with it the school should offer training sessions on how to use the equipment. .As teachers what we should not forget though is that using IWB is that they are computerized that means if electricity is gone that means no internet. what do we do now in this situation is have a back up plan. If you are using the tv or radio in class make sure you know how to switch it on and off know where the volume buttons are so we don't have it on too loud or too quit in class. Some other teaching aids we use in the classroom is the overhead projector. I remember using this equipment a lot in our school. Some advantage points I want to make out with this is equipment is that it is a low cost interactive equipment for educators. It saves time because teaching materials can be pre- printed on plastic sheets and the teacher can directly write using a non- permanent marking pen and can be used repetitively. Teaching students is not just about electronic equipment. There are plenty of other ways to teach as well like visual teaching aids these include real objects pictures photos and magazines. Us as educators we can make the classroom a fun place for students give them activities to interact with each other so bringing in or making your own visual materials they can see and touch this way it is more appealing to them. For instance if we are just using the course books it is like set menu the students will start getting bored the teachers will start to feel lazy so we plan ahead and create using materials in hand. We can make crosswords role play flashcards this way teachers can use resources on hand like paper instead of relying on other big equipment. To create these visual materials the teacher must use his or her artistic abilities. The course book is a great teaching aid for when the teachers are inexperienced. The materials or subjects have been tried and tested it helps out in many ways like grammar and vocabulary skills it also offers many good ideas for the teacher. In short summary the equipment and teachers aids we use in our classrooms should be well maintained and looked after because with out proper resources the teaching process could be boring for our students learning the English lesson or any language for that manner.