Teach English in Shuangquan Zhen - Jinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shuangquan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Reflecting about the YL course, the first thing that came to mind was, how did all start? Well to be brief, it all started 26 years ago. Working as a counselor back in the United States for a non-profit company in which the company had a program to help trouble tens. That was the beginning. One thing though, I never in my wildest dreams, thought one day I’d become a language teacher. I moved to Japan some time ago and now I’ve been teaching English and Spanish for the past six years. Challenging, yes it has been, but I’m used to challenges since I have memory of it. The most important part of being a teacher, in the way I see it, it has always been helping others to reach and achieve, getting over that bump that has kept someone stuck, that elusive goal. Mistakes have been made along the road of teaching nevertheless it is too a learning process for teachers. Unfortunately, throughout the experience of teaching foreign languages, I’ve been doing it without any prior training but the field itself. Surprisingly it may be to the reader, but it is true. So, I found myself in a situation where, and because I love what I do, I had to do it on my own. And that led me to find a way to be better in the wonderful field of teaching. While I was searching the internet for a teaching degree, that day I found myself looking at ITTT website page and its courses. Of course, at first doubts about it came in but I did it anyway. And man, let me tell you what a difference it has made in my lessons. One by one the units have taught me how better prepare, explain and execute my lessons while at the same time making adjustments as I am teaching. With that said, it is now even more clear to me, the importance of making a difference in someone’s life. It will always be an awesome reward to those that love teaching. This course guides you step by step through the process planning lessons take. It also has opened up a whole new and different way to improve and adapt my style to it. At the same time this course has taught me how we, the teachers, should present our lessons in a more concise but understandable way. Teaching should, in its entirely, be focus on the importance of how we the teachers approach our students’ difficulties in learning a new language. Providing them with the appropriate materials according to their level of English is key. The approach taken in each lesson should be planned and based on the students wants and needs. And regardless of the challenges we face as teachers in and out of the classroom, at the end, it should always come to how we lead our students into the lessons. It is about them. Seeing students getting from point A to point Z creating and developing their own ideas tells you how well prepared and organized the teacher was. This is only possible when a teacher prepares his/her lessons conscious of the needs of their students. Teacher’s understanding of how difficult and challenging is for the students to learn a total and complete different language, is crucial. The end results will show it. Students respond to what they see and behave according to what they’ve learned from their teachers. Many languages around the world do not have the same language structure teachers are used to see or are accustomed to. So, keeping in mind these important facts can help a teacher better understand his/her student or students’ learning challenges. Finally, this course for YL have given me a wider perspective on the things as a teacher should be more aware of. These things are the cultural issues and differences that as a teacher living and working abroad must abide by and respect.