Teach English in Dongye Zhen - Jincheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dongye Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jincheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

It is relatively unlikely that a class will consist of a set of students with the same level of English listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. In most cases, a class will consist of mixed-ability learners. This can be challenging, even for an experienced teacher, especially if the group size is relatively large. Therefore, it is crucial that teachers at all levels understand students’ diverse learning abilities and challenges and that they utilize effective classroom management skills. Educators need to be able to support learners who struggle with different types of learning challenges as well as be able to encourage the growth of more skilled students. The key is to learn to differentiate our teaching. The content should be presented in a way that it will engage all students on all levels at the same time. While teaching children with varying learning abilities it helps to consider a couple of key factors. First of all, it is vital to get to know the students and their skills. What are they interested in outside of the classroom? What are they good at and what do they still need to practice? How can they focus on these strengths and weaknesses? What are their personal goals and how can they measure their own progress and stay motivated? We may notice that some students have excellent reading skills but always struggle with listening tasks. Others comprehend spoken language well but cannot write anything at all. Conducting assessments, both formally and informally, can help us to identify each student’s individual academic skills, learning styles and interests. When planning lessons and looking at materials, it is necessary to consider how the content can be presented in a way that it will be accessible and interesting to all our students. It is equally important to plan various ways of delivering it. This could be done, for instance, by using computer programs, carrying out hands-on projects, playing games, watching movies, listening to audio clips, setting up role-plays, using visual aids or demonstrations. Involving the students into the lesson/content planning can be very motivating for the students and increase their level of participation. Interesting lessons with varying methods will help meet the variety of levels in the class. This includes seating arrangements, as well as the way we pair and group the students during activities. Sometimes it may be the wisest to pair strong with weak, so the stronger student can help the weaker one. On another occasion, it may be best to pair strong with strong and weak with weak. This works especially when the assignments can be done on various levels. It is also good to be sensitive to the general relationships between different students. Some might not get along at all. The same applies to groups. Usually, in a smaller group, a weaker student will feel more confident and will be able to contribute more than in a large group or in front of the whole class. Teachers can encourage stronger students by giving them extra assignments, homework or tasks on a higher level. However, they should not get the feeling of having to do more than others. Weaker students can be supported by giving them more time, fewer tasks, assignments on a lower level or offering more assistance or tutoring. Both weak and strong students need to be praised for their efforts regularly. We should also pay attention to the learning environment and the rapport since they both play a significant role in the learning process. Students need to feel comfortable within the class and with their teacher. They should not have to be worried about making mistakes in front of their teacher or peers or having the feeling of being left alone with their difficulties. We need to let our students know that we are always willing to help if needed. We must be able to support and encourage each student individually. When students feel more confident and relaxed, they will be able to perform to the best of their ability.