Teach English in Hexi Zhen - Jincheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hexi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jincheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

We cannot deny that there are a lot of problems that can be occurred during the lesson. Therefore, I will discuss what potential issues are and how to solve with it. First of all, it is a problem in the first lessons. To be more precise, a teacher may find hard at the first time when they meet their students. It is due to the fact that in terms of new group- the students and even teacher do not know each other and the teacher has to spare no efforts to establish rapport between the class members. But, with existing group- in kind of group the students have known their classmates and feel relaxed when work with them is easier for teacher at the first lesson. Anyway, in order to deal with problems in the first lesson, the teacher should not resort to the course book, but they should create activities that helps students break the ice and learn more about each other. In addition to this, the activities should involve in finding out about the student's needs with English or the English level of each individual class member. The teacher can use questionnaire or the game 'Tell us about' in this stage. Secondly, how to cheer students up before starting the lesson is also a stinging situation as it affects directly to students' learning attitude after that. So, some short and funny games should be put on the priority list such as hangman, pictionary or tongue twisters that can help students to be ready to study. Next, what should the teacher do if they face to a class with various levels, this is actually one of the toughest issues as there is a big gap between students' levels while some students can grasp the lesson much quicker than others. However, this problem can be gotten rid of by using different materials for each froup that is appropriate to their level or using same material but various tasks that are longer and more complicated. Additionally, some teachers tend to lean toward doing nothing that means the teacher let students do the same tasks and materials. This way is helpful because it does not increase the gap in level, but it may make weaker learners feel disappointed as they are not likely to catch up with the lesson and the stronger ones feel sick to death due to easy lessons. Once more way to deal with different levels is pair- work as the teacher will pair the stronger with the weaker students together because the stronger ones can explain and assist their partners. Beside that, I should not forget to mention large classes problem such as how to control or involve all learners equally. Anyway, the teacher can put some practical techniques into practice like using worksheets, choral repetition or pair work to solve this problem. As well as that, use of native language is the most prevalent issues with the teacher, especially in monolingual classes. Because in some situations, students cannot express their ideas in Eglish and the teacher cannot speak English all the time as students are unable to understand. The teacher, in this situation, should make sure that all activities are suitable to students' levels and give students clear awareness by detail explanations. Furthermore, the teacher should encourage students use English during the lesson but it does not mean total ban on their language. The teacher is also likely to run into troubles with reluctant students who do not want to speak or join to class. The teacher can improve this problem by using plenty of pair work because these students may feel safer and get support from their classmates and they can be more confident, as the result. As well as, using role- play is also really great to crate a comfortable environment for students communicating as they think they are another character and express more flexible than when they are being themselves. Finally, difficulties with listening texts can be better by avoiding poor quality of the tape or the volume being too low. In conclusion, if the teacher can recognize the problems in the class, they can apply many methods to manage it.