Teach English in Runcheng Zhen - Jincheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Runcheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jincheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Different languages have been the dominant languages in different periods of human development [1]. In a globalized world, we are witnessing a rapid increase in the number of non-native speakers of English. In different regions, English is represented by variations and dialects that include both Americanism and Briticism, as well as lexical units specific to other variations and dialects of English or used in other meanings. This fact suggests the existence of an international version of English based on the development of British and American English. World English, including British and American, aggregates the innovations brought to it by the languages in contact with it. These code-blending processes contribute to the development of world English. The situation is typical for the formation of national languages in individual countries, when in the process of historical development the most prestigious regional dialects become literary languages or language standards in these countries [2]. For decades, English has been the dominant language of international higher education, influencing various fields of activity on the world stage [1]. Throughout the world, English has been the key to academic cooperation through research activities, events, and connections within and between institutions. "Don't worry about dominance of the English language in higher education institutions", - wrote in the blog "Chronicles of Higher Education" B. Vildavsky [3]. The position of English as a major language of higher education is more often assessed as positive than negative. If this situation changes, English will be replaced by another language. Given the rapid expansion of higher education in regions such as China and Latin America, it is not difficult to see which languages could take its place. In the near future, English is likely to remain the dominant language in the academic environment. Just look at the influence of the United States of America or the United Kingdom on other states in terms of political, economic and educational spheres. Undoubtedly, their academic infrastructure, such as libraries and printed resources, is currently out of competition. Their supremacy and superiority remain, and it is unlikely that anything will change here. Or it will not happen before 40 - 50 years from now. On the other hand, we should not underestimate the impact quickly developing economies of China and India in terms of their language status in academic studies. Japan was one of the greatest economic powers two decades ago, but the Japanese language is not the only language of the world has become the language of science and education internationally. As for China, which is becoming one of the strongest economic powers, there is a lot to overcome in terms of language. Tone variations and the complexity of writing, in our view, will always be an obstacle to learning Chinese. In principle, all languages are difficult to learn. There are no simple or difficult languages. It is important to take into account how much time on average is spent on mastering one language or another. This criterion is one of the leading criteria for the possibility of assigning the status of dominant language in the academic environment. In addition, it also matters how effective the language is in various academic contacts around the world. The tonic nature of the Chinese language and the complex system of writing can be insurmountable an obstacle for people whose mother tongue system differs significantly from the tonic one [1]. With European Union support in the field of education at the regional level, technology diffusion and business information many monolingual projects were created, or at least those involving the use of English alongside a single regional language. The need to learn English is dictated by the needs of higher education and the market. At of the labor market are characterized by high social mobility and enjoy by the great demand of those who speak English [4]. However, it is impossible to make any assumptions about the further development of the global language. Linguistics has not yet had any precedents of this kind in terms of speed and scale, which is surprising in itself. In less than a generation, we have moved from a situation where global language was just a theoretical possibility to a situation where it is an obvious reality. Fluency in English is widely perceived as an opportunity [5]. List of used sources 1. Gulyaeva E.V. English language role as mediator in education global space // Philology. Theory and practice.– 2014. – 1(31). – С. 72-75. 2. Melnichenko K.A. English as a world language // Lingua mobilis. – 2013. – 3(42). – С. 81- 85. 3. Wildavsky B. Shining a Spotlight on Cronyism in Italian Academe [Electronic resource] / The Chronicle of Higher Education. – Access mode: (date of the application: 20.06.2019). 4. Artemyeva E.Y. Global English as a factor preserving language pluralism in the international community// Nizhny Novgorod State University. – 2013. – 1(35). – С. 363 - 375. 5. Global English [Electronic resource] / Distance tutor. – Access mode: (date of the application: 20.06.2019).