Teach English in Zhoucun Zhen - Jincheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhoucun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jincheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When I was an elementary student, I've wanted to become a teacher. I admired my teachers in my subjects. I especially liked when they call the names of the students, checking the written exams and looking at their uniforms. I thought that it was that easy. They come to school, teach the lesson, give tests and after the class, they chat with co-teachers. But unknowingly, there are some problems that a teacher encounters. When I realized how difficult it was to be a teacher, I changed my mind. I wanted to be a nurse instead. When I went to University, I've learned that teaching is a stable job. Being a teacher in ESL was just an accident. That was the time that I couldn't find a stable job. When I was referred by a friend who was an employee of a small online academy for ESL, I was not sure if I could teach foreign students the English Language. From that day, I've learned that I have the skill in teaching ESL and I've been in this business for seven years. I know that we all have the capacity to teach but only a few has the passion in teaching. I've had a lot of trainings and demos. The more knowledge you have, the more skills and techniques you can develop for self improvements. I have to learn not only the English language but also the cultures and traditions of my students. Making lesson plans and be creative in my teachings. I need to choose the simplest words for each level so that the students would understand what I am saying. I want my students to learn the lesson and also have fun with them. I've handled different levels with different ages. Elementary students, ages 5 to 13, it was a little difficult. I need to be as lively as possible and speak more slowly. Children get bored easily so I need an activity that would make them feel comfortable and have a happy class. Middle schools and high schools, ages 14 to 19, this time the class is a little calm. They could handle two to three sentences on their own. They could get the lesson moderately and they have more vocabularies to use in their sentences. They can express their personal opinions and experiences. They can exchange information on topics that are familiar. For university students and adults, ages 20 above, usually they can communicate with confidence on familiar topics. They can easily explain situations and give their opinions. They have advance vocabularies and use complex sentences. The class is more interesting and more relaxing. Though sometimes, they are too busy with their studies and work and could not attend the class. There are some problems that I usually encounter in teaching ESL. One of them is the attitude of some students. Some are nice and kind and some are rude and disrespectful. Others are not listening and don't care, treats you like you're not there. I know that we have differences in the language, culture and behavior. But we have a common goal and that is to learn the English language. Good thing, I have a lot of patience. Another problem is communication. It's very important that students must understand the lesson using the target language. Most ESL countries have their first language and they are used to it. Teaching another language, English, is not that easy. That is why, I need to find the simplest word, rephrase the questions and make strategies that is understandable to the students. I feel fulfilled if my students gets the lesson. They are able to use what they learned in their everyday lives. Of course, it takes time. I need to motivate the students to learn and focus on the lesson. Learning is not only one way. There's a saying " It takes two to tango." Meaning two people are willing to commit and be responsible for it. Teachers have their roles and obligations the same thing with the students. Even teachers can learn something from the students. I believe in the saying "The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book." If you put your heart in what you are doing, you'll have satisfaction and fulfillment in life. Reference: