Teach English in Kanzhuang Zhen - Jining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Kanzhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

  The role of the teacher is important because without teachers we could not learn. The oldest known alphabet was developed in central Egypt around 2000 B.C. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). That was a very long time ago, if we did not have teachers to pass their knowledge on to us, we would still be driving on square wheels. The definition of a teacher is to impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something. Therefore, teachers are the foundation of almost any activity, career or profession you will encounter. Starting from childhood teachers are there to introduce the child in to the world of math, language, science and even the history of other renowned teachers such as Aristotle (384–322 BC), Helen Adams Keller (June 27, 1880 – June 1, 1968), Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) and many more. Our Future depends on the children now, the outcome of the future depends on the education that the children will receive from childhood to college. The teacher has the power to decide what material the child will receive, how to distribute the material. The teacher must monitor his/her class closely to see which student needs more assistance, which student is stronger and what strategy to implement to even out the two. He/she also (even on a bad hair day), be energetic and self-motivated to engage the class to motivate them so that they can absorb the day's lesson. Almost every student has a goal they would like to achieve. Without a teacher to give them the knowledge and motivation they need, the goal will never be accomplished. Every teacher is unique in his/her own way with different ways to teach, for example, this teacher may use the whiteboard more than the teacher in the other room while that teacher chooses the overhead projector. This teacher uses (T-T-T) while the other leans more towards (S-T-T). Whatever the case may be or whatever technique and material that is being implemented is used, the student must be able to understand what is being taught. The international language is English and with the internet joining different nationalities motivating students to study abroad. Teachers are now migrating to other countries to teach students of all races and age the English language. Teachers are learning many methods of teaching in foreign countries as they have different writing styles along with different cultures requiring the teacher to adapt to their needs. Some students have little to no English vocabulary. This, in turn, causes the teacher to have to rewrite various lessons so the student can grasp the vocabulary that is being distributed. As mentioned above, the teacher may have mixed level students in the class at the same time and have to adjust to those student needs, again having to adapt and already adapted lesson plan. Speaking at the level of the weaker student while the student beside him/her can almost speak sentences. It is a constant ever-changing challenge in the role of a teacher to maintain the structure in the classroom. Thanks to the use of teaching aids (various devices which can help the foreign language teacher in presenting linguistic material to his students and fixing it in their memory), the teacher can better communicate with second language students. In this modern age, electronic aids are very useful as students like to use electronics every day. The computer is helpful for both the teacher and the students to communicate via email, watch their lesson, so they will know what to expect. (OHP) overhead projectors for visual support and a cassette recorder for auditory work. Every class the teacher must have a motivating attitude, proficient in his/her lesson, able to answer students’ questions and maintain balance in the classroom. Since the Egyptian alphabet, teachers have been involved in learning and teaching past knowledge to future knowledge. Each being special in their own unique methods of making sure the students (From childhood to adult) understand what is being taught. I think that the future goal is to unite everyone from all over the world to be able to communicate and understand past, present and future knowledge. This can not be accomplished without the role of the teacher to spread his/her knowledge, so this is the importance of the role of the teacher.