Teach English in Maying Zhen - Jining Shi

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The word motivation could have a lot of interpretations that depends the context that you are applying or use it. If you ask the people, in your own perspective, what is the meaning of motivation? You can have a variety definitions of that word and it might happen that someone gave you an example to explain her/his definition; only a few of them can have a clear and understandable meaning of motivation. This essay will explain a different points of view in the motivation theme and how important is to have it immerse in all the stages of a lesson plan. Having this, the teachers can monitoring the student work process in class, the attitude and in some times or moments using an activity to improve or increase the student’s motivation that permits to acquire the knowledge. To answer the question in the top (title), we need first know what is the meaning and nature of the word motivation and then have a view of the implication or procedures that as a teachers we need to do and also identify all the benefits that a student will have in his/her learning process and life. The term, ´motivation´ it´s a derivation of the Latin verb ´movere´ that means ¨moving¨, ¨be ready for the action¨ (William A. Kelly). - Motivation is ¨the driving and the final cause for which a man acts¨ (Aristotle). - The Dictionary of the Sciences of Education in a psychological aspect mention that ¨motivation is the set of intermediate variables that activated the conduct or orient it in a sense determined for a goal¨. - In the same Dictionary in its pedagogical aspect mention: ¨motivation is the clue to triggering factors that incite action and has two aspects, the energy (force which the subject is given to the action) and the directional (motives to which applies) - W. A. Kelly in his book Educational Psychology, wrote that motivation in its pedagogical aspect means ´provide motives, i.e. to stimulate the desire to learn´. We can say then, the motivation could start with a motive, who is the cause or reason that move you to do something and as a consequence you obtain a result that will give you rewards or make you modify something that guides you to the success. Everything you do, have a motive and that motive could be internal (a person gives himself the stimulus) or external (another person who gives the stimulus). The motivation or encouragement of the ¨will to learn¨ is a central factor influencing the learning process (W. A. Kelly) and it´s focusing on the external motive, because is the teacher who gives that constant impulse to the student in the classroom. Once again, W. A. Kelly in his book Educational Psychology mention that the motivation has three factors; the first is about the student, whose development, learning, and behavior are the objects motivation. The second factor is the teacher, whose job is to guide and direct the student in the process of learning. The third factor is about the systems and methods used by the teacher to stimulate, guide and direct the ¨will learn¨. Is so important that the teacher always be in constant preparation and searching new strategies that can mixed with the method that he/she used, had a good lesson planning that include in every stage of the lesson an activity that motivates the student to work, investigate, participate and impulse to do more than the basic. The student can acquire it all of that using the different strategies (pair work, group work, activity games, using the platforms that school managing to support the class work, etc.) that the teacher has been planning. One of the greatest achievements of a teacher is to achieve student intrinsic motivation, it allows the student to consolidate learning and success in all what he/she does. When a student had been motivating, changes the teacher position to an observer and guidance and that's the objective of learning. A manner of conclusion ´the motivation is essential for the success of learning and its failure is considered one of the main causes of school failure´ (W. A. Kelly). The question was, what is so important motivate the student? Is so important because is the basis of everything you do and is one of the main purpose in the learning process. Without this the student can´t have success in his/her work or anything that you tried to do, because nobody do something without a motive. Finally if a teacher shows the students how to obtain motivation to something, maintaining that motivation, they will have success in everything that they do.