Teach English in Sizhang Zhen - Jining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Sizhang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Our environment is a crucial element for humans to learn languages. The context in which the human interacts will develop their language skills to meet the verbal behavior that is heard. A child will learn a language faster than an adult. A child is taught in their natural environment, while adults learn best in a structured classroom. A child often will not have a formal or structured classroom setting, until they are in first grade. The social context is also different for a child versus an adult. The child is actively listening to their environment, while adults tend to block out noises. There are some strategies to teach each group to increase their engagement and understanding. For young learners, the natural language should not be used in the classroom. The Natural Approach uses communication as its focus when teaching a language. The grammar aspects of the language are not important during this stage of learning. The communication that is evoked from a child, is verbal behavior explaining their needs and wants. Once the child is exposed to a structured environment, visual aids should be used when presented new materials or complex materials. The language will come naturally, speaking should emerge from continual exposure to listening activities and reading. For a child to be engaged and obtain a new language, they need to have a relaxing environment so the child is able to obtain the information. Lots of vocabulary be exposed to the child to help build upon their current repetitor of the language. Acquisition and learning are two key elements for knowledge and repetition of words. Providing a picture dictionary can be helpful for young learners. Adult students may not have a high level of motivation to learn the language. This causes the teacher to create engaging lessons with current events or materials. Creating discussions will build a comfortable learning environment, which is important. Adults are able to apply new information using role-play or games. Group activities help keep the adults engaged and learn from their peers. Some students may be reluctant to participate, building their confidence can be done with pairing a strong student with the individual. The teacher should provide very clear instructions and teaching materials. Providing an activity to the group and observing the student brainstorm is a great way to build relationships within the classroom. Worksheets, dictionaries, and activities that evoke the target language are strong ways to teach adult learners. Teaching adult learns and young learns to involve a high level of repetition and adapting materials to meet their skill level. Keeping the students engaged is an important factor for lessons no matter the age. For all language classes, the target language should be the only language used to communicate. To help keep this standard, the teacher must be pre-paired, have active lessons, and continuous reinforcement for their student's effort. Keeping the learning environment positive is also important, no matter the age. The amount of pair work given will vary in the classes, along with the material. Modifications are important so the materials are relevant to the students and the information is up-to-date. Evaluations should be given to track the progress for all ages. The amount and difficulty of the examinations will greatly depend on the age and the level of class. For adults, there are more English classes offered, that are targetted to certain needs.