Teach English in Xizou Zhen - Jining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xizou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A classroom is a place where students go to learn. Students meet in the classroom for one primary goal or motive ̶ that is to learn. Students come from different homes and hence may have different perceptive about various topics apart from things they have learned in school and particularly in the classroom. Naturally, some people are born with high self-esteem while others are not. Students who are found to be of high self-esteem are normally seen to be highly motivated than students with low self-esteem. Individual family problems may affect students negatively. Family problems sometimes overwhelm students thereby causing them to lose confidence in themselves. Also, some students’ cultural background affects them in class if their culture is seen as ‘’bad’’ by other students and this makes them feel bad about themselves too. The importance of motivating students in the classroom is to bring all students to the same level for effective learning. This is because less motivated students in the classroom often don’t see the importance of learning and hence find it difficult to participate or contribute to classroom activities. In the paragraphs below I will explain in details the importance of motivating students in the classroom as it is one of the responsibilities of a good teacher. Firstly, motivating students in class help low self-esteem students to gain confidence. Low self-esteem students always see other students to be better than them and always feel shy being around them. They always look down upon themselves thinking they are not capable of anything good. If group activities are given to students, such students feel reluctant to participate since they see their fellow students as more capable of doing better. Such students need to be encouraged by teachers, by telling them every one is created differently and possesses special qualities and as such, they are special. This can help students to be motivated and start to give priorities to themselves. This will help them to take part or contribute strongly to class activities. Secondly, motivating students in the classroom gives them the energy to participate or contribute in all class activities. Less motivated students lack the energy to participate in class because of fear. This makes them weak students since they don’t practice any of the class activities. It is seen that even weaker students who participate in class activities eventually become better. As a result of this, it is the responsibility of the teacher to motivate such students by helping them to overcome the fear of learning. This can be done by giving them tips and advice on easy ways or approaches to studying that will make studying easier and more fun. This ignites energy and new found love for learning. Lastly, motivating students in the classroom helps them to set goals for themselves and work towards the achievement of these goals. Some students don’t see themselves as someone who is capable of achieving anything better in the future. This can sometimes be as a result of negative family circumstances or cultural background. Such students need to be motivated by their teachers in class to help them set goals. When goals are set, this will help the students to identify their purpose in life and work towards it. In conclusion, students (children and adults) may come to class with different problems which may affect their performance in class. Some of these problems may be family issues while others may be from the classroom. In whichever way the problem may result from, it is the responsibility of the teacher to motivate his/her students for effective learning.