Teach English in Yandian Zhen - Jining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yandian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The best teachers in any subject all over the world know how to motivate their students. This is one of, if not the most important technique for teachers to get through to their students and make the students learning experience fun and easier. Everyone who has tried to learn a second language knows that it isn't an easy thing to do and there can be a lot of roadblocks along the way which can frustrate and interfere with ones learning experience. A simple thing just as smiling and entering a class with a good attitude and good energy will rub off on students, acknowledging their presence, giving eye contact, getting everyone involved. This will create good atmosphere and chemistry in the classroom, being very serious and uptight can shy individuals away from learning and participating. These are very simple but important things we can do to help motivate our students. If a teacher can not motivate a student, they risk failure for the student and for themselves as teachers. This is why it is so important that we as teachers, motivate our students every day and week to learn and keep them interested in classroom activities. One of the best ways to motivate students is to keep topics current and somewhat interesting to the general audience of your class. Placement and diagnosis tests can be very helpful to learn more about students so we can get a better knowledge and background information on them. The better you know someone, the easier it is to help pick topics and keep classes and students interested. I believe also rewarding students is a helpful technique of motivation. We as teachers should reward our students daily, weekly in some shape or form whether it be answering questions correctly when called upon or getting good test results. I believe this will help the students have a better learning experience and motivate them to practice their English outside the classroom and study harder. So overall, why is motivating students important? It helps them build their confidence, character and keeps them active in and outside the classroom. It also builds our confidence as teachers when students respond positively to our lesson plans and their achievements. There's no better joy for a teacher than to see their student get good marks in the classroom and also achieve success outside in the real world, whether it be having a fluent conversation with a random person or getting a job. The flipside to not motivating students could be devastating to us as teachers and to students as well. Worse case scenario is getting no work or possibly getting fired from your current teaching gig. As for the student, they won't learn anything and never want to try or think of trying to learn the English language again. These are the reasons why it is so important for us as teachers to keep our students motivated. We hold the key of success and it starts with motivation. Let's open doors for our students learning experience and opportunities, not close them.