Teach English in Yangliu Zhen - Jining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yangliu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

According to the new oxford American dictionary, confidence can be defined as the “feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities.” Confidence is a fundamental human impulse and considered to be paramount in making one achieve their life goals and dreams. According to Studies, confidence can be characterize as responses to prompts such as, "Are you sure your answer is correct?" and measures it as a link of objective accuracy and individual 'certainty and also in simple terms can be a belief that one holds of him/herself. The crucial role played by having confidence in one’s self have been emphasized by philosophers, psychologist, educators and writers . The question of who lays a greater duty to help build the confidence in students arises. This is because the teacher and the parents play a major role in the upbringing of the students, helping them to appreciate certain principles that shapes their lives. While no one has a greater part, it is certainly recognized that they have great parts to play and must understand how it can be done without any conflicts, as each of their views are used to evaluate and inform the student’s own self views. Confidence is a stable and a robust psychological construct (Kleitman and Stankov 2007; Stankov, Pallier, et al 2012) and so can be noticeable in Kids and teenagers and it is gotten from a range of cues; friends, teachers, and parents/guardians. One of the branches of this robust psychological construct is the ability and knowledge in a given subject and it is influenced from the teacher’s remarks, good scores in the exams or the test and understanding of this subject. The teachers are to always enable the learner’s self-confidence, and must be genuine and willing to engage learners in constructive discussion around the accuracy of learners' own judgments. The teacher has a role to be ‘substantively persuasive and genuine other than gratuitously complimentary’ (Correll, Spencer, and Zanna 2004). While it is important for teachers to relay the student’s weakness to the parents, they should do so while passing positive messages about the student’s effort and in a dialogue feedback. Adapted from the book “Creating Confident Children in the Classroom: The Use of Positive Restructuring’. The teachers are to employ the use of tasks and environment that results in a sense of completion, perseverance and a sense of accomplishment . The teacher is to encourage activities that would empower the child, instill hope, Autonomy, Ability to bounce back after failure and Achieve results . The parents on the other hand, are to follow up from where the teacher’s stopped in the classroom. The teachers constructive feedbacks about the performance of a child given to the parents, are to help parents improve on their child’s weakness, while also achieving the goal of raising a confident child. Parents are also to help give objective views to their children's doubts that help their confidence level. They are also to Allow them grow by facing challenges, acknowledging and appreciating their efforts and accomplishments around the house. The parents and the teachers are to remain sensitive to a non-confident child and help where the need be, as building a confident child is a process and a valuable investment. In conclusion, Self-confidence is facilitated through Parents and teachers’ own understanding; It is through engaging their own reflections on the term ‘confidence,’ its meaning, the importance of self-confidence judgments and the weaknesses of self-confidence judgments, that they themselves can be better equipped to help the students. Therefore Parents and the teachers' should be focused on • The learner's development of knowledge and expertise in any curricular area, which will enhance academic self-concept for that subject and strengthens his goal achieving mindset for particular targets within the subjects and other subjects, • The learner's engagement in socially designed learning activities to promote non- academic self-concept; as well as facilitating the development of knowledge, • Planning activities in which learners have to explain their reasoning and argue for the evidence on which they make their claims, • Reading Books and watching Shows that displays faith, ability and confidence. The teachers in the classroom can • Insert self-regulative/metacognitive activities, routinely, into all lessons • Engage in dialogic feedback with learners so that learners become aware of the importance of taking control of their own learning, and • Learners being socially aware but unconcerned with social comparisons. (Professor Effie Maclellan) A confident student always performs better. The teachers and the parents must find great ways to communicate confidence in the students, letting them know that they believe in them, and their ability to overcome challenges and do great things. .