Teach English in Zhaomiao Zhen - Jining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhaomiao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Computer Aided Language Learning (CALL) is defined as the use of information and communication technology in language teaching and learning for teachers as well as students. This concept is mainly designed as an approach to teach and learn foreign languages all around the world. In other words, CALL is a new adaptation that favors all individuals to enhance their capabilities to get adjusted to a virtual learning environment. CALL can also be defined as a tool. It has two main important features; interactive learning and individualized learning. In fact, this creates a strong emphasis on student centered materials. Moreover, this mechanism facilitates the teachers to reinforce classroom activities and help learners with additional support in their language learning process. Researchers claim that CALL can be known by several other terms such as; technology-enhanced language learning, computer assisted language learning and computer assisted instruction leaning. Moreover, with the use of computer technology, this language learning methodology helps to present, reinforce and assess materials for teachers and students in a much more convenient and an effective manner. Supporting the fact, it has also encouraged the availability of self-study software, face to face language learning environments and computer based resources with the help of internet and other web based applications to be available in the market. However, the integration of CALL in a foreign language indirectly eliminates the role of a teacher. On the other hand, though some researchers seek out this as an issue, many supports this argument stating that elimination can lead to better quantity management in a classroom environment. Also, students will be more cooperative building personality that assures motivation, participation, collaboration and engagement in class activities. Nowadays many studies have proved that CALL is the most appropriate methodology that can be used to improve the four skills in learning a foreign language (listening, speaking, reading and writing). Video conferencing, chat rooms, automatic speech recognition, audio and video related activities, monitoring accuracy via computers are some of the most useful approaches using CALL. It has become more convenient, professional and has created a standard in the teaching and learning environments. There are several highlighting benefits related to CALL technology. Some of the key benefits are motivation, adaptation, authenticity and critical thinking. Moreover, introducing interactive multimedia technology to learn a foreign language helps students to discover, express and develop accurate linguistic structures and promotes computer experience in the language learning environment. In addition to that, combining high resolution color graphics, animations, audios, videos, music and voice recognition functions provides easy understanding to develop different standards and language proficiency levels. Therefore, language learning can be more fun and creative which will eventually help to improve pronunciation and participation in language communication tasks in an effective way. There are several challenges and constraints that can affect teaching experience with CALL. These challenges can also be categorized as drawbacks. Firstly, to emphasize a CALL environment, equipment or the supportive hardware is the major priority in a school or in an academy to be facilitated. Supporting the fact, rural centered schools that cannot be facilitated with this latest equipment will not be able to utilize this methodology effectively. Thus many teachers are discouraged and are not willing to adapt or to get support to change the style of teaching or to get exposed to technology. Secondly, issues related to electricity or constant power failure is another major problem that has encountered in these rural academic institutes. As a fact most of the examinations mainly focus on writing skills and less attention is given to listening and speaking skills. Thirdly, it is the frequent breaking down of equipment that could be due to non-availability, lack of air conditions and space with other related materials. Finally, the biggest problem was found to be teachers who do not have proper knowledge on how to use CALL and has no access to internet or other web based technologies that could broaden the vision and would help them to be creative in reaching successful teaching goals. The students were too unaware of the benefits in utilizing computer in learning activities to enhance their capacity and to have immense progress in finding continuous flow of useful information to brighten their future. However, these issues are continuously encouraged, witnessed by high committee educational staffs throughout the world via seminars, social medias as well as travelling and hosting educators. In addition to that, by visiting these non-facilitated educational schools, institutes and academics it would be very helpful to remodel their learning approaches and organizing fund raising campaigns by promoting world education with latest technology. In conclusion, language learning is an interaction that can be improved using CALL methodology. It helps individuals to gain skill in reading, writing, listening and speaking. CALL methodology create standards and professionalism utilizing technology in to the learning environment. This effective process favors and encourages teacher and student throughout the world and helps in sharing the language with the help of internet. Despite the fact, ESA (Engage, Study, Activate) learning is the most effective methodology in teaching a foreign language and combining CALL has created successful results in sharing foreign language throughout the globe. Many students at different age levels has been benefited by this combination for example non English speaking countries like China, Japan and Korea. Though a considerable number of institutions throughout the world dictates several issues related to the use of technology in their educational systems; it has now become a minor problem and majority encourages the use of technology as a mandatory aspect in their academics. Last but not least, it is good to keep in mind that introducing this mechanism should not discourage students to participate in outdoor activities and incorporate their language skills outside the classroom. Supporting this many computer programs has been introduced for example pilot program called imagine learning and BrainPop ESL to encourage not only students and teachers but also for parents to be self-aware the benefits in order to create a successful and an effective educational framework throughout the world. References 1. Wikipedia. 2019. Computer-assisted language learning - Wikipedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 April 2019]. 2. Elt World Wiki. 2019. Computer assisted language learning | Elt World Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2019]. 3. jairo_agustin , 2019. Computer Assisted / Aided Language Learning (CALL) - [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 April 2019]. 4. Computer aided language learning. 2019. Computer aided language learning. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 April 2019]. 5. UniLiterate. 2019. Computer-Aided Language Learning | UniLiterate. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 April 2019]. 6. Introducing computer aided language learning to Sri Lankan schools: Challenges and perspectives - IEEE Conference Publication. 2019. Introducing computer aided language learning to Sri Lankan schools: Challenges and perspectives - IEEE Conference Publication. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 April 2019]. 7. Benefits of Computer Aided Language Learning | The Dangling Modifier. 2019. Benefits of Computer Aided Language Learning | The Dangling Modifier. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 April 2019].