Teach English in Yitang Zhen - Jinzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yitang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Jinzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

It is generally difficult to have confidence in something that is brand new. Whether it been in sports, education, or teaching, it is not easy for a person to not have doubts when starting off. When looking at teaching specifically, it is important for a teacher to have confidence because the teacher’s confidence can have a huge and direct impact on the student’s education itself. A teacher who is confident will usually have a more positive attitude and be energetic, which lead to student’s also being positive and enthusiastic and will stay motivated to learn. While it may not be easy, there are many ways to increase confidence in teachers whether they are new or experienced. Some of those things can be as simple as being prepared, having a positive attitude, being patient, and be willing to learn. I believe that one of the biggest things a teacher can do to help build confidence is to be well prepared for the class. This would include having a good understanding of the material that will be taught, along with a well planned out lesson plan that can also be adapted to unexpected situations. Being prepared can lessen stress and panic during unforeseen circumstances such as when questions come up and you are able to answer it right away. Practicing and talking out loud can also build confidence. While it may look silly, talking to yourself and possibly even looking in a mirror and practicing on what to say during the lesson can help drill the important points that you would like to deliver when teaching the actual lesson. Having a positive attitude and an open mind can also help build confidence. The willingness to accept criticism can pertain to one’s confidence. While a teacher shouldn’t compare themselves against other teachers, it is still important to accept feedback and suggestions to always try and become a better teacher and see what things can be improved. It can also be a good idea to watch how other teachers instruct to see if there are any tips on what may work for you. Even though it will be very uncomfortable at first, it is also a good idea to ‘Get comfortable being uncomfortable’ because it is important to try new things to see what method works for individual teachers and being comfortable with being uncomfortable can lessen nerves and build confidence. For new teachers, it is hard not to feel overwhelmed. Being overwhelmed and nervous can make a teacher second guess themselves and lose confidence. However, it is important for the teacher to also remember that they have all the knowledge needed to teach a class. At this point, teachers have already learned the necessary material to teach a lesson, but it is the confidence in teaching those materials that is difficult. Through my personal experience, when I first started out teaching, I had to rely on the saying, “Fake it til you make it.” When I first started teaching, I was very nervous to work with children and teaching them new concepts that they were never exposed to before. Even though I was very nervous, I had to keep reminding myself that there is no need to be nervous, as I already had thorough training and had complete understanding of the material and curriculum. I ended up ‘faking’ my confidence until I gained some experience and that ‘faking’ turned into real confidence. While there are many different tips and tricks to try and increase a teacher’s confidence, it’s important that with patience, confidence will be built as long as you have the want to improve. Although a lot of it comes through experience, as long as you are willing to learn from the day before and to better oneself by 1% and have trust in oneself, you will increase your confidence and enjoying teaching, which will ultimately lead to the student’s success.